
Abida in Wikipedia

Abida was the son of Midian, and the grandson of Abraham and his wife Keturah. Abraham sent his sons by Keturah to live in the east, far from their half-brother Isaac. Abida was one of Midian's descendants, the Midianites, settled in the territory east of the Jordan (Tobit 1:14 ) and also much of the area east of the Dead Sea (later occupied b...

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Abida in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

a-bi'-da ('abhidha`, "father of knowledge," or "my father knows"): A son of Midian and grandson of Abraham and Keturah (Gen 25:4; 1 Ch 1:33). Abidah in the King James Version in Gen....

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Abida in Naves Topical Bible

Son of Midian 1Ch 1:33...

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Abida in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(father of knowledge), a son of Midian. Ge 25:4; 1Ch 1:33...

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Abida in Easton's Bible Dictionary

or Abi'dah, father of knowledge; knowing, one of the five sons of Midian, who was the son of Abraham by Keturah (1 Chr. 1:33), and apparently the chief of an Arab tribe....

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Abida in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Genesis 25:4; 1 Chronicles 1:33....

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Abida Scripture - 1 Chronicles 1:33

And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these [are] the sons of Keturah....

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Abida Scripture - Genesis 25:4

And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these [were] the children of Keturah....

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