Hebrews 5 - Expanded Bible (EXB)

5 [L For] Every high priest is chosen from among ·the people [human beings; C to represent humans, the priest must himself be human] and is ·given the work of going before God for them [L appointed to represent people in things related to God] to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. 2 Since he himself is weak [C subject to human frailty, both physical and moral], he is able to be gentle with those who ·do not understand [are ignorant] and who are ·doing wrong things [easily deceived; wayward; going astray]. 3 Because he is weak, the high priest must offer sacrifices for his own sins and also for the sins of the people [Lev. 16].

4 To be a high priest is an honor, but no one ·chooses himself for this work [takes this office by his own authority; L takes this honor for himself]. He must be ·called [chosen] by God as Aaron was [C Moses’ brother and Israel’s first high priest; Ex. 28:1]. 5 So also ·Christ [or the Messiah; C either a proper name or a title] did not ·choose himself to have the honor of being [L glorify/exalt himself by becoming] a high priest, but God ·chose [glorified; exalted] him. God said to him,

“You are my Son.
Today I have ·become your Father [T begotten you; Ps. 2:7].”

6 And in another Scripture God says,

“You are a priest forever,
·a priest like [L in the priestly order/line of] Melchizedek [Ps. 110:4].” [C See 7:1–10; Melchizedek was a priest and king in the time of Abraham; Gen. 14:17–24.]

7 ·While Jesus lived on earth [L In the days of his flesh/earthly life], he ·prayed to God and asked God for help [L offered prayers and petitions]. He prayed with loud cries and tears to the One who could save him from death, and his prayer was heard because ·he trusted God [L of his reverence/devotion; C referring especially to Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane; Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:41, 44]. 8 Even though Jesus was ·the Son of God [or a son; C with all the rights and privileges of an heir], he learned obedience by what he suffered [C through total obedience to God, Jesus achieved the glorified or perfected state God originally intended for human beings; 2:3–9]. 9 And ·because his obedience was perfect [or having achieved perfection], he ·was able to give [L became the source/means of] eternal salvation to all who obey him. 10 In this way God ·made [designated; appointed] Jesus a high priest, ·a priest like [L in the priestly order/line of] Melchizedek [v. 6; Ps. 110:4].

Warning Against Falling Away

11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are so ·slow to understand [hard of hearing; C spiritually]. 12 By now you should be teachers, but you need someone to teach you again the ·first lessons [elementary truths; basic principles] of God’s ·message [revelation; oracles]. You still need ·the teaching that is like milk [L milk]. You are not ready for solid food. 13 [L For] Anyone who lives on milk is still a baby and ·knows nothing about [or is unskilled/inexperienced with] ·right teaching [or the message about righteousness]. 14 But solid food is for those who are ·grown up [mature]. ·They are mature enough […who through practice/exercise have trained their faculties/senses] to know the difference between good and evil.