Galatians 3 - Expanded Bible (EXB)

Blessing Comes Through Faith

3 ·You [L O] ·foolish [stupid] Galatians! Who has ·tricked [or cast a spell on; bewitched] you? ·You were told very clearly about the death of Jesus Christ on the cross [L Before your eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed/announced as crucified]. 2 Tell me this one thing: How did you receive the Holy Spirit? Did you receive the Spirit by ·following [L the works of] the law? ·No, you received the Spirit [L …or] ·because you heard the Good News and believed it [by believing what you heard]. 3 ·Are you so foolish [How can you be so stupid]? You began ·your life in Christ by [L by; or through] the Spirit. Now are you trying to ·make it complete [finish; or be perfected] by ·your own power [human effort; L the flesh]? 4 ·Were all your experiences wasted [or Have you suffered so much for nothing]? ·I hope not [or Surely it was not for nothing; L —if indeed for nothing]! 5 Does God give you the Spirit and work miracles among you ·because you follow [L by the works of] the law? ·No, he does these things [L …or] ·because you heard the Good News and believed it [by your believing what you heard; v. 2].

6 ·The Scriptures say the same thing about Abraham [L Just as (it says)]: “Abraham believed God, and ·God accepted Abraham’s faith, and that faith made him right with God [L it (Abraham’s faith) was credited to him as righteousness; Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4].” 7 So you should know that the true children of Abraham are those who have faith. 8 ·The Scriptures, telling what would happen in the future, said [L Scripture foresaw; C Scripture is personified as foreseeing and speaking] that God would ·make the Gentiles right [justify the Gentiles] through their faith. This ·Good News was told [Gospel was proclaimed] to Abraham beforehand, as the Scripture says: “All nations will be blessed through you [Gen. 12:3; 18:18].” 9 So all who ·believe as Abraham believed [rely on faith; have faith; L are of faith] are blessed ·just as Abraham was [L with faithful Abraham; or with Abraham, the man of faith]. 10 ·But [L For] those who depend on ·following [L the works of] the law to make them right are under a curse, because the Scriptures say, “·Anyone [All; Everyone] will be cursed who does not ·always obey what [keep doing everything that] is written in the Book of the Law [Deut. 27:26].” 11 Now it is clear that no one can be ·made right with [justified/declared righteous before] God by the law, because the Scriptures say, “·Those who are right with God will live by faith [The righteous will live by faith; or Those made righteous by faith will live; Gen. 15:6; Hab. 2:4].” 12 The law is not based on faith. ·It says [L Rather; On the contrary], “A person who ·obeys [does; practices] these things will ·live because of [gain life by/in] them [Lev. 18:5].” 13 Christ ·took away [redeemed us from; bought our freedom from] the curse ·the law put on us [L of the law]. ·He changed places with us and put himself under that curse [L …by becoming a curse for us]. [L For; Because] It is written in the Scriptures, “Anyone ·whose body is displayed [L who is hung] on a tree is cursed [Deut. 21:23; C an executed man’s body was hung on a stake or tree for humiliation and warning; Paul here applies it to Christ’s crucifixion as the curse/judgment for our sin].” 14 Christ did this so that God’s blessing promised to Abraham [Gen. 12:2–3] might come through Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. ·Jesus died so that by our believing […so that by faith] we could receive the Spirit that God promised.

The Law and the Promise

15 Brothers and sisters, let us think ·in human terms [or of an example from everyday life; L according to man]: Even in the case of a human ·agreement [covenant; or will and testament], after it has been ·accepted [ratified; put into affect] no one can ·set it aside [annul it] or add anything to it. 16 God made promises both to Abraham and to his ·descendant [seed]. God did not say, “and to your ·descendants [seeds].” That would mean many people. But God said, “and to your ·descendant [seed; Gen. 12:7; 13:15; 17:7; 24:7].” That means only one person; that person is Christ. 17 This is what I mean: The law, which came four hundred thirty years later, cannot ·change [cancel; nullify] that ·agreement [covenant] previously made by God and so ·destroy [nullify; render invalid] God’s promise to Abraham. 18 If the law could give us ·Abraham’s blessing [L the inheritance], then ·the promise would not be necessary [or it is not based on a promise]. But that is not possible, because God freely gave ·his blessings [L it] to Abraham through the promise he had made.

19 So what was the law for? It was ·given to show that the wrong things people do are against God’s will [L added because of transgressions]. And it continued until the ·special descendant [seed], who had been promised, came. The law was given through angels [Acts 7:53; Heb. 2:2] ·who used Moses for a mediator to give the law to people [L by the hand of a mediator/intermediary]. 20 But a mediator is not needed when there is only one side, and God is only one.

The Purpose of the Law of Moses

21 Does this mean that the law is against God’s promises? ·Never [Absoluely not; May it never be]! That would be true only if the law could make us ·right with God [righteous]. But God did not give a law that can bring life. 22 Instead, the Scriptures ·showed that the whole world is bound by sin [L imprisoned all things under (the power of) sin; C Scripture is personified as the jailer]. This was so the promise would be given ·through faith to people who believe in Jesus Christ [or because of Christ’s faithfulness, to all who believe].

23 Before this faith came, we were all held prisoners by the law. We ·had no freedom [were locked up] until ·God showed us the way of faith that was coming [L the coming faith would be revealed]. 24 In other words, the law was our ·guardian [child-minder; tutor; C an attendant slave who watched over a child in a wealthy Greco-Roman household] ·leading us to [or until] Christ so that we could be ·made right with God [declared righteous; justified] through faith. 25 Now ·the way of faith [L faith] has come, and we no longer live under a ·guardian [child-minder; tutor; v. 24].

26 [L For] ·You are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus [or In Christ Jesus you are all children/sons of God through faith]. 27 [L For] All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 In Christ, there is ·no difference between Jew and Greek [L neither Jew nor Greek], slave and free person, male and female. You are all ·the same [or united; L one] in Christ Jesus. 29 ·You [L If you…] belong to Christ, so you are Abraham’s ·descendants [seed]. ·You will inherit all of God’s blessings because of the promise God made to Abraham [L …heirs according to the promise].