
Other Bible Knowledge Accelerator books available by Rusty Russell in the Windows Help Format are:

The Life of Jesus Christ, The Historical Jesus, The Incredible Bible (free), The Greeks, The Romans, Jerusalem at the Time of Christ, Religion at the Time of Christ, Sociology at the Time of Christ, The Crucifixion, The Destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., The Tabernacle, The 7 Jewish Feasts and their Significance, The Five Levitical Offerings, The Special Garments of the High Priest, Solomon's Temple, Messianic Prophesy, Prophets and Prophesy, Old Testament History, New Testament History, Between the Testaments, Bible Survey, Basics of Christianity, The Attributes of God, The Trinity, The Hebrew Names of God, The Names of Jesus, Great Men of the Bible, The Rapture, The Great Tribulation, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, The Antichrist and 666, Heaven, Hell, The Hebrew Language, The Greek Language, How to Make Your Own Windows Help Book.