Ezekiel 36 - Wycliffe Bible (WYC)

36 Forsooth thou, son of man, prophesy on the hills of Israel (And thou, son of man, prophesy to the hills of Israel); and thou shalt say, Hills of Israel, hear ye the word of the Lord.

2 The Lord God saith these things, For that that the enemy said of you, Well! everlasting highnesses be given to us into heritage; (The Lord God saith these things, Because the enemy hath said to you, Well! the everlasting highlands shall be given to us for an inheritance;)

3 therefore prophesy thou, and say, The Lord God saith these things, For that that ye be made desolate, and defouled by compass, and be made into heritage to other folks, and ye ascended on the lip of tongue, and on the shame of people; (and so prophesy thou, and say, The Lord God saith these things, Because ye be made desolate, and defiled all around, and be made into an inheritance to other nations, and ye ascended on the lip of the tongue, and be made a shame to the people;)

4 therefore, hills of Israel, hear ye the word of the Lord God. The Lord God saith these things to the mountains, and little hills, to strands, and to valleys, and to pieces of walls left, and to cities forsaken, that be made bare of peoples, and be scorned of other folks by compass. (and so, hills of Israel, hear ye the word of the Lord God. The Lord God saith these things to the mountains, and to the little hills, to the streams, and to the valleys, and to the pieces of walls that be left standing, and to the deserted cities, that be made empty of people, and be mocked by the other nations all around them;)

5 therefore the Lord God saith these things, For in the fire of my fervor I spake of other folks, and of all Idumea, that gave my land into heritage to themselves with joy and all [the] heart, and of intent, and casted out it, to destroy it; (and so the Lord God saith these things, For in the fire of my jealousy I spoke against the other nations, and against all of Edom, who made my land into an inheritance for themselves, with all the joy of their hearts, and with the intent to cast it out, and to destroy it;)

6 therefore prophesy thou on the earth of Israel, and thou shalt say to mountains, and little hills, to the highness of hills, and to valleys, The Lord God saith these things, For that that ye be desolate, lo! I spake in my fervor and in my strong vengeance. For that that ye suffered (the) shame of heathen men; (and so prophesy thou about the land of Israel, and thou shalt say to the mountains, and to the little hills, to the highness of the hills, and to the valleys, The Lord God saith these things, For that ye be desolate, lo! I spoke in my jealousy and in my strong vengeance. Because ye have suffered the shame of the heathen;)

7 therefore the Lord God saith these things, Lo! I raised mine hand against heathen men, that be in your compass, that they bear their shame. (and so the Lord God saith these things, Lo! I raised up my hand against the heathen, who be all around thee, so that they bear their shame.)

8 Forsooth, ye hills of Israel, bring forth your branches, and bring ye fruit to my people Israel; for it is nigh that it come.

9 For lo! I to you (For lo! I am for you), and I shall turn to you, and ye shall be eared, and shall take seed.

10 And in you I shall multiply men, and all the house of Israel; and cities shall be inhabited, and ruinous things shall be repaired. (And I shall multiply people in you, in all the house of Israel; and cities shall be inhabited, and the ruined places shall be repaired.)

11 And I shall fill you with men and beasts, and they shall be multiplied, and shall increase; and I shall make you to dwell as at the beginning, and I shall reward (you) with more goods than ye had at the beginning; and ye shall know, that I am the Lord. (And I shall fill you with people and beasts, and they shall be multiplied, and shall increase; and I shall make you to live like at the beginning, and I shall reward you with more good things than ye had at the beginning; and ye shall know, that I am the Lord.)

12 And I shall bring men on you, my people Israel, and by heritage they shall wield thee, and thou shalt be to them into heritage; and thou shalt no more lay to, that thou be without them. (And I shall bring back your people, yea, my people Israel, and by inheritance they shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance; and thou shalt no more be without them.)

13 The Lord God saith these things, For that that they say of you (Because they say of you), Thou art a devouress of men, and stranglest thy folk;

14 therefore thou shalt no more eat men, and thou shalt no more slay thy folk, saith the Lord God. (and so thou shalt no more eat the people, and thou shalt no more kill thy nation, saith the Lord God.)

15 And I shall no more make heard in thee the shame of heathen men, and thou shalt no more bear the shame of peoples, and thou shalt no more lose thy folk, saith the Lord God. (And I shall no more make heard in thee the shame of the heathen, and thou shalt no more bear the shame of the nations, and thou shalt no more destroy thy people, saith the Lord God.)

16 And the word of the Lord was made to me, and he said,

17 Thou, son of man, the house of Israel dwelled in their land, and they defouled it in their ways, and in their studies; by the uncleanness of a woman in rotten blood the way of them is made before me. (Thou, son of man, when the house of Israel lived in their own land, they defiled it with their ways, and with their deeds; their ways were made before me like the uncleanness of a woman in her rotten blood.)

18 And I shedded out mine indignation on them, for [the] blood which they shedded on the land, and in their idols they defouled it. (And I poured out my indignation upon them, for the blood which they poured out upon the land, and for their idols with which they defiled it.)

19 And I scattered them among heathen men, and they were winnowed into lands; I deemed them by the ways and findings of them. (And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were winnowed into other lands; I judged them for their ways and their deeds.)

20 And they entered to heathen men, to which they entered, and defouled mine holy name, when it was said to them, This is the people of the Lord, and they went out of the land of him. (And when they entered to the heathen, to whomever they entered, they defiled my holy name, for it was said of them, This is the people of the Lord, and they have gone out of his land.)

21 And I spared (them for the sake of) mine holy name, which the house of Israel had defouled among heathen men, to which they entered. (And I spared them for the sake of my holy name, which the house of Israel had defiled among the heathen, to whom they had entered.)

22 Therefore thou shalt say to the house of Israel, The Lord God saith these things, O! ye house of Israel, not for you I shall do, but for mine holy name, which ye defouled among heathen men, to which ye entered. (And so thou shalt say to the house of Israel, The Lord God saith these things, O! ye house of Israel, I shall not do this for you, but for the sake of my holy name, which ye defiled among the heathen, to whom ye had entered.)

23 And I shall hallow my great name, which is defouled among heathen men, which ye defouled in the midst of them; that heathen men know, that I am the Lord, saith the Lord of hosts, when I shall be hallowed in you before them. (And I shall consecrate my great name, which is defiled among the heathen, which ye defiled in their midst; so that the heathen know, that I am the Lord, saith the Lord of hosts, when I shall be hallowed, or shall be shown holy, through you before them.)

24 For I shall take away you from heathen men (For I shall take you away from the heathen), and I shall gather you from all (the) lands, and I shall bring you (back) into your (own) land.

25 And I shall pour out clean water [up]on you, and ye shall be cleansed from all your filths; and I shall cleanse you from all your idols.

26 And I shall give to you a new heart, and I shall set a new spirit in the midst of you; and I shall do away an heart of stone from your flesh, and I shall give to you an heart of flesh,

27 and I shall set my spirit in(to) the midst of you. And I shall make that ye go in my commandments, and [that ye] keep and work my dooms (and that ye keep and obey my laws).

28 And ye shall dwell in the land, which I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be into a people to me, and I shall be into God to you. (And ye shall live in the land, which I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I shall be your God.)

29 And I shall save you from all your filths; and I shall call (for) wheat (and I shall call for the corn), and I shall multiply it, and I shall not put hunger on you.

30 And I shall multiply the fruit of (the) tree, and the seeds of the field, that ye bear no more the shame of hunger among heathen men (so that ye no more bear the shame, or the reproach, of famine among the heathen).

31 And ye shall have mind on your worst ways, and on studies not good (And ye shall remember your worst ways, and your deeds that were not good); and your wickednesses, and your great trespasses, shall displease you.

32 Not for you I shall do (this), saith the Lord God, be it known to you; O! the house of Israel, be ye shamed, and be ashamed on your ways. (I shall not do this for your sakes, saith the Lord God, be it known to you; O! the house of Israel, be ye shamed, and be ye ashamed of all your ways.)

33 The Lord God saith these things, In the day in which I shall cleanse you from all your wickednesses, and I shall make cities to be inhabited (again), and I shall repair ruinous things, (The Lord God saith these things, On the day in which I shall cleanse you from all your wickednesses, and I shall make the cities to be inhabited again, and I shall repair the ruined places,)

34 and the desert land shall be tilled, that was sometime desolate (that sometime was desolate), before the eyes of each waygoer,

35 they shall say, That land untilled is made as a garden of liking, and cities (that) forsaken and destitute and undermined sat, (now be) made strong; (they shall say, That untilled land is made like the Garden of Eden, and the cities that sat deserted and destitute and undermined, now be made strong;)

36 and heathen men, which ever be left in your compass, shall know, that I the Lord have builded [the] destroyed things, and I have planted untilled things; I the Lord spake, and I did (it). (and the heathen, whomever be left all around you, shall know, that I the Lord have rebuilt the destroyed places, and I have planted the untilled land; I the Lord spoke, and I shall do it.)

37 The Lord God saith these things, Yet in this thing the house of Israel shall find me, that I do to them; I shall multiply them as the flock of men, (The Lord God saith these things, Yet again the house of Israel shall ask me, that I act for them; and I shall multiply them into a flock of people,)

38 as an holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in the solemnities thereof, so the cities that be forsaken shall be full of the flocks of men; and they shall know, that I am the Lord. (like a holy flock, yea, like the flock in Jerusalem at its solemn feasts, so that the cities that be deserted shall again be full of flocks of people; and they shall know, that I am the Lord.)