Amos 9 - Wycliffe Bible (WYC)

9 I saw the Lord standing on the altar, and he said, Smite thou the hinge(s), and the over-thresholds, either lintels, be moved (al)together; for avarice is in the head of all, and I shall slay by sword the last of them; there shall no flight be to them, and he that shall flee of them, shall not be saved. (I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and he said, Strike thou the hinges, and the lintels be shaken; for greed is in all their hearts, and I shall kill all of them with the sword; there shall be no escape for them, and even he who shall flee, shall not be saved.)

2 If they shall go down till to hell, from thence mine hand shall lead out them; and if they shall ascend till to heaven, from thence I shall draw them down. (Yea, if they shall go down to Sheol, or the land of the dead, my hand shall bring them out of there; and if they shall go up to heaven, I shall pull them down from there.)

3 And if they shall be hid in the top of Carmel, from thence I seeking shall do them away (And if they shall be hidden on top of Mount Carmel, I shall seek them out there, and I shall do them away); and if they shall hide themselves from mine eyes in the deepness of the sea, there I shall command a serpent, and it shall bite them, (and devour them).

4 And if they shall go away into captivity before their enemies, there I shall command to sword, and it shall slay them. And I shall put mine eyes on them into evil, and not into good. (And if they be taken away into captivity by their enemies, I shall command to the sword there, and it shall kill them. I shall look upon them for evil, and not for good/I shall look at them to do evil, and not to do good.)

5 And the Lord God of hosts shall do these things, (he) that toucheth earth, and it shall fail, and all men dwelling therein shall mourn; and it shall go up as each strand, and it shall float away as the flood of Egypt. (And the Lord God of hosts shall do these things, yea, he who toucheth the earth, and it faileth, and all the people living there shall mourn; and it shall go up like a stream, and it shall flow away like the River of Egypt.)

6 He that buildeth his going up in heaven, shall do these things, and founded his burden on earth; which calleth waters of the sea, and poureth out them on the face of (the) earth; the Lord is (the) name of him. (He who buildeth his stairway in the heavens, and putteth his dome over the earth, shall do these things; who calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth; the Lord is his name.)

7 Whether not as the sons of Ethiopians ye be to me, the sons of Israel? saith the Lord God. Whether I made not Israel for to go up from the land of Egypt, and Palestines from Cappadocia, and Syrians from Kir? (Be ye not like the Ethiopians to me, ye Israelites? saith the Lord God. Did I not make Israel to go up from the land of Egypt, like the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians, or the Aramaeans, from Kir?)

8 Lo! the eyes of the Lord God be on the realm sinning (Lo! the eyes of the Lord God be upon the sinning realm, or upon this sinful kingdom), and I shall all-break it from (off) the face of [the] earth; nevertheless I all-breaking shall not all-break the house of Jacob, saith the Lord.

9 For lo! I shall command, and shall shake together the house of Israel in all folks, as wheat is shaken together in a riddle, and a little stone shall not fall on the earth. (For lo! I shall command, and shall altogether shake the house of Israel among all the nations, like corn, or grain, is altogether shaken in a sieve, and yet a little stone of it shall not fall upon the earth.)

10 All sinners of my people shall die by sword, which say, Evil shall not nigh, and shall not come on us. (All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, yea, they who say, Evil shall not come near us, and it shall not come upon us.)

11 In that day I shall raise the tabernacle of David, that fell down, and I shall again-build openings of the walls thereof, and I shall restore the things that fell down; and I shall again-build it, as in old days, (On that day I shall raise up David’s house, that fell down, and I shall rebuild, or repair, the openings in its walls, and I shall restore the things that fell down; and I shall rebuild it, like in the old days,)

12 that they wield the remnants of Idumea, and all nations; for that my name is called to help on them, saith the Lord doing these things. (so that they possess the remnants of Edom, and of all the nations that were once called mine, saith the Lord, and he shall do this.)

13 Lo! days come, saith the Lord, and the earer shall (over)take the reaper (Lo! days shall come, and the plowman shall overtake the harvester), and the treader, or (the) stamper, of grape(s) shall (over)take the man sowing seed; and mountains shall drop sweetness, and all small hills shall be tilled.

14 And I shall convert the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall build (up the) forsaken cities, and shall dwell; and shall plant vineyards, and they shall drink wine of them; and shall make gardens, and shall eat fruits of them. (And I shall restore the prosperity of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the deserted cities, and they shall live in them; and they shall plant vineyards, and shall drink their wine; and they shall make gardens, and shall eat their fruit.)

15 And I shall plant them on their land, and I shall no more draw out them of their land, which I gave to them, saith the Lord thy God. (And I shall plant them on their land, and no more shall I pull them out of their land, which I gave them, saith the Lord thy God.)