Shemot 29 - Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29 And this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them to set them apart as kodesh, to minister unto Me in the kohen’s office: Take one bull calf, and two rams temimim (without blemish),

2 And lechem matzot, and challot matzot mixed with shemen, and wafers matzot smeared with shemen; of fine wheat flour shalt thou make them.

3 Thou shalt put them into sal echad (one basket); bring them near in the sal, with the bull and the two rams.

4 And Aharon and his banim thou shalt bring unto the petach of the Ohel Mo’ed, and shalt immerse them with mayim.

5 And thou shalt take the begadim, and put upon Aharon the kesones [see Yn 19:23, Ps 110:4], and the Me’il HaEphod, and the Ephod, and the Choshen, and gird him with the Cheishev HaEphod;

6 And thou shalt put the Mitznefet upon his head, and put the Nezer HaKodesh upon the Mitznefet.

7 Then shalt thou take the Shemen HaMishchah, and pour it upon his head, and anoint him.

8 And thou shalt bring near his banim, and put kuttanot upon them.

9 And thou shalt gird them with Avnet, Aharon and his banim, and put the migba’ot on them; and the Kehunnah shall be theirs for a chukkat olam; and thou shalt ordain [i.e. fill their hands (invest them with authority as ministers)] Aharon and his banim.

10 And thou shalt cause a bull to be brought before the Ohel Mo’ed; Aharon and his banim shall put their hands upon the head of the bull.

11 And thou shalt slaughter (shachat) the bull before Hashem, by the petach of the Ohel Mo’ed.

12 And thou shalt take of the dahm of the bull, and put it upon the karnenot of the Mizbe’ach with thy finger, and pour all the dahm on the yesod (base) of the Mizbe’ach.

13 And thou shalt take all the chelev that covereth the innards, and the diaphragm with the liver, and the two kidneys, and the chelev that is upon them, and burn them upon the Mizbe’ach.

14 But the basar of the bull, and his hide, and his dung, shalt thou burn with eish outside the machaneh; it is a chattat.

15 Thou shalt also take one ram; and Aharon and his banim shall put their hands upon the head of the ram.

16 And thou shalt slaughter the ram, and thou shalt take his dahm, and sprinkle it around upon the Mizbe’ach [see Bereshis 22:13 and Yeshayah 52:15 on Moshiach’s sprinkling of the Goyim].

17 And thou shalt cut the ayil (ram) into pieces, and wash the innards of him, and his legs, and put them with his pieces, and his head.

18 And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the Mizbe’ach: it is an olah unto Hashem: it is a re’ach hannichoach [see Pp 4:18 OJBC], an offering made by eish unto Hashem.

19 And thou shalt take the other ayil; and Aharon and his banim shall lay their hands upon the head of the ayil.

20 Then shalt thou slaughter (shachat) the ayil, and take of his dahm, and put it upon the lobe of the right ear of Aharon, and upon the lobe of the right ear of his banim, and upon the thumb of their right yad, and upon the bohen of their right foot, and sprinkle the dahm upon the Mizbe’ach, all around.

21 And thou shalt take of the dahm that is upon the Mizbe’ach, and of the shemen hamishchah, and sprinkle it upon Aharon, upon his garments, upon his banim, upon the garments of his banim with him; he shall be set apart as kodesh, and his garments, his banim, his banim’s garments with him.

22 Also thou shalt take of the ram the chelev and the tail, and the fat that covereth the innards, and the diaphragm with the liver, and the two kidneys, and the chelev that is on them, and the right thigh; for it is an ayil millu’im (ram of ordination);

23 And one kekar lechem (loaf of bread), and one challah of lechem shemen (oily loaf of bread), and one wafer out of the basket of the matzot that is before Hashem;

24 And thou shalt put all in the hands of Aharon, and in the hands of his banim; and shalt wave them for a tenufah before Hashem.

25 And thou shalt take them from their hands, and burn them upon the Mizbe’ach for an olah, for a re’ach hannichoach [see Pp 4:18 OJBC] before Hashem: it is an offering made by eish unto Hashem.

26 And thou shalt take the breast of the ayil hamillu’im (ram of ordination) for Aharon, and wave it for a tenufah before Hashem; and it shall be thy portion.

27 And thou shalt set apart as kodesh the breast of the tenufah, and the thigh of the terumah, which is waved, and which is raised up, of the ayil hamillu’im, even of that which is for Aharon, and of that which is for his banim;

28 And it shall be Aharon’s and his banim’s by a chok olam from the Bnei Yisroel; for it is a terumah; and it shall be a terumah from the Bnei Yisroel of the zivkhei shelemim of them, even their terumah unto Hashem.

29 And the Bigdei Hakodesh of Aharon shall be his banim’s after him, to be anointed therein, and to be ordained in them.

30 And that ben that is kohen in his succession shall put them on shivat yamim, when he cometh into the Ohel Mo’ed to minister in HaKodesh.

31 And thou shalt take the ayil hamillu’im, and cook his basar in the Makom Kodesh.

32 And Aharon and his banim shall eat the basar of the ayil, and the lechem that is in the sal petach Ohel Mo’ed.

33 And they shall eat those things wherewith the kapporah was made, to ordain and to set them apart as kodesh; but a zar shall not eat thereof, because they are kodesh.

34 And if anything remains of the basar of the millu’im, or of the lechem, unto the boker, then thou shalt burn the remainder with eish; it shall not be eaten, because it is kodesh.

35 And thus shalt thou do unto Aharon, and to his banim, according to all things which I have commanded thee; shivat yamim shalt thou ordain them.

36 And thou shalt offer every day the bull of the chattat for kippurim (blood atonements); and thou shalt purify the Mizbe’ach, when thou hast made a kapporah for it, and thou shalt anoint it, to set it apart as kodesh.

37 Shivat yamim thou shalt make a kapporah for the Mizbe’ach, and set it apart as kodesh; and it shall be a Mizbe’ach kodesh kodashim; whatsoever toucheth the Mizbe’ach shall be kodesh.

38 Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon the Mizbe’ach: two kevasim (lambs) of the first year each day tamid (continually).

39 The one lamb thou shalt offer in the boker; and the other lamb thou shalt offer in the afternoon;

40 And with the one lamb a tenth ephah of fine flour mixed with the fourth part of a hin of beaten shemen; and the fourth part of a hin of yayin for a nesekh (drink offering [see Pp 2:17 OJBC]).

41 And the other lamb thou shalt offer in the afternoon, and shalt do thereto according to the minchah of the boker, and according to the nesekh thereof, for a re’ach hannichoach [see Pp 4:18 OJBC], an offering made by eish unto Hashem.

42 This shall be an olat tamid throughout your dorot at the petach of the Ohel Mo’ed before Hashem; where I will meet you, to speak there unto thee.

43 And there I will meet by appointment with the Bnei Yisroel, and it shall be set apart as kodesh by My Kavod.

44 And I will set apart as kodesh the Ohel Mo’ed, and the Mizbe’ach; and I will set apart as kodesh also both Aharon and his banim, to minister to Me in the kohen’s office.

45 And I will dwell among the Bnei Yisroel, and will be their Elohim.

46 And they shall have da’as that I am Hashem Eloheihem, Who brought them forth out of Eretz Mitzrayim, to rest My [Shekhinah] dwelling among them; I am Hashem Eloheihem.