1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
The Geneva Bible: A Cornerstone of English Protestantism A Testament to Reform The 1599 Geneva Bible... Read More
7 Woe is me!
For I am like those gathering fruit
and those harvesting grapes,
when there is no grape cluster to eat
and no fresh figs that my stomach[a] craves.
2 Faithful men have disappeared[b] from the land;
there are no godly men left.[c]
They all wait in ambush to shed blood;[d]
they hunt their own brother with a net.
3 They are experts at doing evil;[e]
government officials and judges take bribes,[f]
prominent men announce what they wish,
and then they plan it out.[g]
4 The best of them is like a thorn;
their godly are like a thorn bush.[h]
Woe[i] to your watchmen;
your appointed punishment is on the way.[j]
The time of their confusion is now.[k]
5 Do not rely on a friend;
do not trust a companion!
Even with the one who lies in your arms,
do not share secrets![l]
6 For a son thinks his father is a fool,
a daughter challenges[m] her mother,
and a daughter-in-law her mother-in-law;
a man’s enemies are his own family.[n]
7 But I will keep watching for the Lord;
I will wait for the God who delivers me.
My God will listen to me.
8 My enemies,[o] do not gloat[p] over me!
Though I have fallen, I will get up.
Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.[q]
9 I must endure[r] the Lord’s fury,
for I have sinned against him.
But then[s] he will defend my cause[t]
and accomplish justice on my behalf.
He will lead me out into the light;
I will witness his deliverance.[u]
10 When my enemies see this, they will be covered with shame.
They say[v] to me, “Where is the Lord your God?”
I will gloat over them;[w]
then they will be trampled down[x]
like mud in the streets.
11 It will be a day for rebuilding your walls;
in that day your boundary will be extended.[y]
12 In that day people[z] will come to you[aa]
from Assyria as far as[ab] Egypt,
from Egypt as far as the Euphrates River,[ac]
from the seacoasts[ad] and the mountains.[ae]
13 The earth will become desolate
because of what its inhabitants have done.[af]
14 Shepherd your people with your rod,[ag]
the flock that belongs to you,[ah]
the one that lives alone in a thicket,
in the midst of a pastureland.[ai]
Allow them to graze in Bashan and Gilead,[aj]
as they did in the old days.[ak]
15 “As in the days when you departed from the land of Egypt,
I will show you[al] miraculous deeds.”[am]
16 Nations will see this and be disappointed by[an] all their strength;
they will put their hands over their mouths
and act as if they were deaf.[ao]
17 They will lick the dust like a snake,
like serpents crawling on the ground.[ap]
They will come trembling from their strongholds
to the Lord our God;[aq]
they will be terrified[ar] of you.[as]
18 Who is a God like you?[at]
Who[au] forgives sin
and pardons[av] the rebellion
of those who remain among his people?[aw]
Who does not stay angry forever,
but delights in showing loyal love?
19 Who[ax] will once again[ay] have mercy on us?
Who will conquer[az] our evil deeds?
Who will hurl[ba] all our[bb] sins into the depths of the sea?[bc]
20 You will be loyal to Jacob
and extend your loyal love to Abraham,[bd]
which you promised on oath to our ancestors[be] in ancient times.[bf]