Genesis 31 - New Catholic Bible (NCB)

Chapter 31

Jacob Flees from Laban.[a] 1 Jacob came to know what the sons of Laban were saying: “Jacob is taking what belonged to our father, and he has gotten all his wealth from what belonged to our father.” 2 And Jacob saw that Laban’s attitude toward him had changed.

3 Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers, to your homeland, and I will be with you.”

4 So Jacob sent for Rachel and Leah who were in the fields with the flocks 5 and he told them, “I see that your father’s attitude to me is not like it was before. Still, the God of my father is with me. 6 You yourselves know that I have served your father with all my strength, 7 while your father has cheated and changed my salary ten times. But God did not let him harm me. 8 If he said, ‘The speckled animals will be your salary,’ then all the animals born were speckled. If he said, ‘The streaked animals will be your salary,’ then all the animals born were streaked. 9 Thus, God took back your father’s animals and gave them to me.

10 “Once, when the animals were in heat, I had a dream. I looked out and saw that the he-goats that were streaked, speckled, and mottled were ready to breed. 11 The angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob!’ I answered, ‘Here I am.’ 12 He continued, ‘Look up and see: all the goats that are ready to breed are streaked, speckled, and mottled because I saw what Laban has done to you. 13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made an oath to me. Now, rise, leave this country, and return to your homeland.’ ”

14 Rachel and Leah answered, “Do we still have property or an inheritance in the house of our father? 15 Are we not considered to be outsiders by him? He sold us and then used up our money. 16 All those things that God has taken from our father belong to us and to our children. Do what God has told you to do.”

17 Jacob got up, placed his children and his wives on camels, 18 and led all the animals away. He took all his possessions with him, including the animals that he acquired in Paddan-aram, in order to return to Isaac, his father, in the land of Canaan.

19 When Laban had gone to shear the sheep, Rachel stole the household idols[b] that belonged to her father. 20 Jacob sneaked away from Laban the Aramean, not letting him know that he was about to flee. 21 This way he was able to go with all his possessions. He rose, crossed the river,[c] and traveled toward the mountains of Gilead.

22 Laban Pursues Jacob.[d] On the third day, Laban was told that Jacob had fled. 23 He took his kinsmen with him and followed him for seven days. He caught up to him in the mountains of Gilead. 24 Then God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream by night and said to him, “Be careful not to do anything to Jacob, not a thing!”

25 Laban therefore went and caught up to Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tents in the mountains, and Laban and his kinsmen were also camped in the mountains of Gilead. 26 Laban said to Jacob, “What have you done? You sneaked away and carried off my daughters as if they were prisoners of war! 27 Why did you secretly flee away and cheat me? Why did you not let me know? I would have given you a celebration with songs and the music of the tambourines and the harp. 28 You did not let me kiss my grandsons and my daughters. This was surely a foolish thing that you have done. 29 Realize that I could harm you, but the God of your father spoke to me last night. He forbade me to do anything to Jacob, not a thing. 30 I realize that you left because you were homesick for the house of your father, but why have you robbed my household idols?”

31 Jacob answered Laban and said, “I was afraid, and I thought that you would take your daughters back with force. 32 But as for whoever you find has taken your household idols, he will be put to death. With our relatives looking on, see if you can find anything belonging to you and take it.” Jacob did not know that Rachel had robbed them.

33 Laban entered Jacob’s tent and then the tent of Leah and the tent of the two slaves, but he did not find anything. Then he went out from Leah’s tent and entered Rachel’s tent. 34 Now Rachel had taken the idols and had placed them under a camel’s saddle and had then sat upon it. Laban searched throughout the whole tent and did not find them.

35 She said to her father, “Please do not be offended, my lord, if I cannot rise in your presence, but I am having my monthly time.”[e] Laban therefore searched in the entire tent and did not find the idols.

36 Jacob was angry now and scolded Laban saying, “What crime have I committed, what sin did I do that you followed me? 37 Now that you have searched all my possessions, what have you found that belongs to you? Place it before me and your relatives and let it serve as evidence for or against me.

38 “I spent twenty years with you. None of your sheep or goats ever miscarried. I never ate any of the rams of your flock. 39 I never brought you an animal that had been injured by a wild beast. I made good for the loss myself. You held me responsible for whatever was robbed during the day and for whatever was robbed during the night. 40 By day I was burnt by the sun and by night I suffered from the cold, and I spent many sleepless nights. 41 Twenty years I was with you. I served you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my salary ten times. 42 If the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the Terror of Isaac, had not been with me, you would have sent me away with nothing. But God saw my affliction and the work of my hands, and last night he was my judge.”

43 Laban then answered Jacob and said, “These daughters are my daughters and these grandsons are my grandsons. These cattle are my cattle, and all you see is mine. What could I do to you today and to these daughters and to the children whom they have brought into the world? 44 Come, let us make a covenant between me and you, and let it be a witness between me and you.”

45 Jacob took a stone and erected it as a pillar. 46 Then he said to his relatives, “Collect some stones,” and they took stones and made a mound out of them. They then ate sitting upon the mound. 47 Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha, while Jacob called it Galeed.

48 Laban said, “Let this mound be today a witness between me and you.” Because of this he called it Galeed 49 and also Mizpah, because he said, “May the Lord keep watch between me and you when we will no longer see each other.[f] 50 If you mistreat my daughters and take other wives besides my daughters, be warned that God will be a judge between you and me.”

51 Laban continued and said to Jacob, “Behold this mound and this pillar that I have erected between me and you. 52 Let this mound be a witness, and this pillar be a witness, that I will not cross over past this mound to do you harm and that you will not cross over past this mound and this pillar to do me harm. 53 The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor be a judge between us.”

Jacob swore an oath by the name of the Terror of his father Isaac. 54 Then he offered a sacrifice on the mountain and invited his relatives to eat with him. They ate and spent the night on the mountain.


  1. Genesis 31:1 Stemming from a different source, this account endeavors to show that Jacob is right in his quarrels with Laban; God himself has made him prosper. Overflowing with riches, Jacob judges it more prudent to put an end to their deteriorating relations, after having rallied his wives to his cause.
  2. Genesis 31:19 Household idols (Hebrew, teraphim) were small statues of divinities worshiped by the family (see v. 30). They belonged by right to the principal heir.
  3. Genesis 31:21 The river was the Euphrates. Gilead is the mountainous region east of the Jordan.
  4. Genesis 31:22 The greedy uncle pursues Jacob in anger, but Rachel saves the situation through guile and Jacob takes offense at Laban’s bad faith. The latter finally resigns himself to deal with Jacob, and an agreement is concluded concerning the relations and the pasture rights between Aram and Israel in the Transjordan. Thus, an account, which is not lacking in humor, justifies once again the rightness of Jacob—and of Israel.
  5. Genesis 31:35 I am having my monthly time: in later times, anything a menstruating woman sat on was considered ritually unclean (Lev 15:20). Rachel, too, had become a deceiver.
  6. Genesis 31:49 May . . . other: the so-called Mizpah benediction, which in context is in fact a denunciation or curse.