Hebrews 1 - Expanded Bible (EXB)

God Spoke Through His Son

1 ·In the past [Long ago] God spoke to our ·ancestors [forefathers; fathers] through the prophets ·many times [or in a fragmentary/partial way; L in many parts] and in many different ways. 2 But now in these last days God has spoken to us through ·his Son [or a son; 1:3]. God has ·chosen [appointed] his Son to ·own [be heir/inheritor of] all things, and through him he made the ·world [universe; ages; C comprising both space and time; John 1:3]. 3 The Son ·reflects [or radiates; shines forth] the glory of God [John 1:14] and ·shows exactly what God is like [L is the exact representation/imprint/stamp of his being/essence/nature]. He ·holds everything together [sustains/upholds all things] with his powerful word. When the Son ·made people clean from their [L provided purification/cleansing for] sins [9:14], he sat down at the right ·side [L hand; C the most honored position beside a king; Ps. 110:1] of ·God, the Great One in heaven [L the Majesty/Preeminence in the highest places; C a Jewish way to avoid saying the divine name of God]. 4 The Son became much ·greater [superior; better] than the angels, ·and [or just as; in the same way that] ·God gave him [L he inherited] a name [C either “Son” (v. 5), or referring to his nature or reputation] that is ·much greater than [far superior to] theirs.

5 This is because God never said to any of the angels,

“You are my Son.
Today I have ·become your Father [T begotten you; Ps. 2:7; see Heb. 5:5; Acts 13:33].”

·Nor did God say of any angel [L And again],

“I will be his Father,
and he will be my Son [2 Sam. 7:14].”

6 And [L again] when God brings ·his firstborn Son [L the firstborn; Rom. 8:29] into the world, he says,

“Let all God’s angels worship him [Ps. 97:7 (in the Greek version of the OT); C similar words are found in the Greek version of Deut. 32:43 and in a Hebrew copy among the Dead Sea Scrolls].”

7 This is what God said about the angels:

“·God makes his angels become like winds [or God makes winds into his messengers].
He makes ·his servants become like flames of fire [or flames of fire to be his servants; Ps. 104:4].”

8 But God said this about his Son:

“·God, your throne [L Your throne, O God; ] will last forever and ever.
You will rule your kingdom with ·fairness [L a just/righteous scepter; C a scepter symbolizes royal authority].
9 You love ·right [righteousness] and hate ·evil [wickedness; lawlessness],
so ·God [L God, your God,] has ·chosen [L anointed] you ·from among your friends [or above your peers; above anyone else];
he has ·set you apart with much joy [L anointed you with the oil of joy/rejoicing; Ps. 45:6–7].”

10 God also says,

“Lord, in the beginning you ·made [L laid the foundations of] the earth,
and your hands made the ·skies [heavens].
11 They will be destroyed, but you ·will remain [continue; C forever].
They will all wear out like ·clothes [a garment].
12 You will ·fold them [roll them up] like a ·coat [robe].
And, like ·clothes [a garment], you will change them.
But you ·never change [are the same; 13:8],
and your ·life [L years] will never ·end [fail; run out; Ps. 102:25–27].”

13 And God never said this to an angel:

“Sit by me at my right ·side [hand; v. 3]
until I put your enemies ·under your control [L as a footstool under your feet; Ps. 110:1].”

14 ·All the angels are [L Are they not…?] ·spirits who serve God [or ministering spirits] and are sent to ·help [serve] those who will ·receive [L inherit] salvation.