Hebrews 7 - Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT)

Now Observe How Great This Melchizedek Is

7 For this Melchizedek[a], king of Salem, priest of the Most-High God, remains[b] a priest perpetually[c]— the one having met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and having blessed him; 2 to whom also Abraham divided a tenth from everything; who is first ([his name] being translated), king of righteousness; and then also king of Salem, which is[d] king of peace; 3 fatherless, motherless, genealogy-less, having[e] neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made-like[f] the Son of God. 4 Now observe how great this one is to whom indeed Abraham the patriarch gave a tenth from the choicest-spoils:

He Is Greater Than Abraham

5 Indeed, the ones from the sons of Levi receiving the priestly-office have a commandment to be collecting-a-tenth-from the people according to the Law (that is, from their brothers, even though their brothers have come-out of the loins of Abraham)— 6 yet the one not tracing-his-genealogy from them has collected-a-tenth from Abraham, and has blessed the one having the promises! 7 And apart from all dispute, the lesser one is blessed by the better one.

He Is Living As a Priest Perpetually

8 And here, dying men[g] receive the tenths— yet there, it is being attested[h] that he is living!

He Is Greater Than Levi And His Priesthood

9 And so to speak, through Abraham even Levi[i], the one receiving the tenths, has paid-a-tenth. 10 For he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him!

Now Why Did Another Priesthood Need To Arise After Aaron?

11 Now indeed, if perfection had been through the Levitical priesthood (for the [Jewish] people have received-the-Law on the basis of it) what further need would there have been that another priest should arise according to the order[j] of Melchizedek, and not be named according to the order of Aaron?

For This New Priesthood Also Brings a Change of Law

12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is[k] also a change of law.

For Its High Priest Is From The Tribe of Judah

13 For the One about Whom these[l] things are spoken has partaken of another tribe from which no one has attended-to the altar. 14 For it is clear that our Lord has risen from Judah— for which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priests.

And He Became High Priest Based On His Indestructible Life

15 And it is still even-more very-clear[m] if Another Priest arises in accordance with the likeness of Melchizedek, 16 Who has become such not based-on the law of a fleshy[n] commandment, but based on the power of an indestructible life! 17 For it is attested that “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” [Ps 110:4].

The New Sets Aside The Old And Brings In a Better Hope

18 For a setting-aside[o] of the preceding commandment takes place because of its weakness and unprofitableness 19 (for the Law perfected nothing)— and a bringing-in of a better hope through which we draw-near to God.

Jesus Is a Better Priest Because His Priesthood Is Based On God’s Oath

20 And[p] to the degree that it was not without an oath-swearing (for the ones have become[q] priests without an oath-swearing, 21 but the One with an oath-swearing, through the One saying to Him [in Ps 110:4]: “The Lord swore and He will not change-His-mind, You are a priest forever”)— 22 to that degree also Jesus has become the guarantee[r] of a better covenant.

Jesus Serves As High Priest Forever

23 And[s] the many have been [Levitical] priests because of their being prevented from continuing by death— 24 but the One, because of His remaining forever, has a permanent[t] priesthood. 25 Hence also, He is able to save completely[u] the ones coming-to God through Him, always living so as to intercede for them.

God’s Son Perfected Forever Is a Fitting High Priest For Us

26 For such a High Priest was indeed fitting for us— holy, innocent, undefiled, having been separated[v] from sinners, and having become higher than the heavens— 27 Who does not have the daily necessity (as indeed the high priests) to be offering sacrifices first for His own sins, then the sins of the people. For He did this once-for-all, having offered Himself. 28 For the Law appoints men having weakness as high priests, but the word of the oath-swearing after[w] the Law appoints a Son having been perfected forever.


  1. Hebrews 7:1 The meaning of this man is explained by examining the two places he is mentioned in the OT, Gen 14:17-20 (in v 1-10) and Ps 110 (in v 11-28).
  2. Hebrews 7:1 remains a priest perpetually. In the Greek word order this phrase is at the end of v 3, placing emphasis on it.
  3. Hebrews 7:1 Or, continually, and in this sense, for all time, forever.
  4. Hebrews 7:2 That is, means.
  5. Hebrews 7:3 That is, in the OT record.
  6. Hebrews 7:3 Or, made-to-resemble, copied-from. He is made to appear as a prefigurement of Christ.
  7. Hebrews 7:8 That is, Levitical priests, who all eventually die.
  8. Hebrews 7:8 That is, because Genesis records no end of life, v 3.
  9. Hebrews 7:9 Thus, the entire Levitical priesthood is inferior to the priesthood of Melchizedek.
  10. Hebrews 7:11 This new priestly order is mentioned in Ps 110, long after the establishment of the Levitical priesthood. This implies that the Levitical priesthood was imperfect and temporary.
  11. Hebrews 7:12 Or, occurs.
  12. Hebrews 7:13 That is, Ps 110:4.
  13. Hebrews 7:15 That is, that there is a change of law.
  14. Hebrews 7:16 That is, a law pertaining to the flesh, to the candidate’s physical lineage.
  15. Hebrews 7:18 Or, annulment, abolishment, abrogation. The conclusion is that Ps 110 predicts a new High Priest in a new priesthood, which requires a new law. This means the old is set aside and the new brought in by Jesus.
  16. Hebrews 7:20 Now an inference is drawn from ‘swore’ in Ps 110.
  17. Hebrews 7:20 The grammar implies have become and continue to be.
  18. Hebrews 7:22 Or, pledge, security.
  19. Hebrews 7:23 Now an inference is drawn from ‘forever’ in Ps 110.
  20. Hebrews 7:24 Or, unchangeable. It does not pass to another.
  21. Hebrews 7:25 That is, in contrast to the Law, which perfected nothing. Or, forever.
  22. Hebrews 7:26 That is, in character, taking this with what precedes; or, physically, to heaven, taking it with what follows.
  23. Hebrews 7:28 That is, written after, in Ps 110.