Zebedee in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(my gift) (Greek form of Zabdi) a fisherman of Galilee, the father of the apostles James the Great and John Mt 4:21 and the husband of Salome. Mt 27:56; Mr 15:40 He probably lived either at Bethsaida or in its immediate neighborhood. It has been inferred from the mention of his "hired servants," Mr 1:20 and from the acquaintance between the apostle John and Annas the high priest, Joh 18:15 that the family of Zebedee were in easy circumstances. comp. Joh 19:27 although not above manual labor. Mt 4:21 He appears only twice in the Gospel narrative, namely, in Mt 4:21,22; Mr 1:19,20 where he is seen in his boat with his two sons mending their nets.

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