Wine in Naves Topical Bible

Made from grapes Ge 40:11; 49:11; Isa 25:6; Jer 40:1,12 -From pomegranates So 8:2 -Kept in jars Jer 13:12; 48:12 -In skins (R. V.) Jos 9:4,13; Job 32:19; Mt 9:17; Lu 5:37,38 -In bottles Jos 9:4,13; Job 32:19; Jer 13:12; 48:12; Mt 9:17; Lu 5:37,38 -Cellars for 1Ch 27:27 -New Hag 1:11 -Old Lu 5:39 -Medicinal use of Pr 31:6,7 -Recommended by Paul to Timothy 1Ti 5:23 -Used at meals Mt 26:27-29; Mr 14:23 -Made by Jesus at the marriage feast in Cana Joh 2:9,10 -Sacramental use of Mt 26:27-29; Lu 22:17-20 -Forbidden to priests while on duty Le 10:9; Eze 44:21 -Forbidden to Nazarites Nu 6:2,3 -See NAZARITE -Abstinence from Of Daniel Da 1:5,8,16; 10:3 Of the courtiers of Ahasuerus Es 1:8 Of Timothy 1Ti 5:23 -Samson's mother forbidden to drink Jud 13:4,5 -Forbidden to kings Pr 31:4 -Denied to the Israelites in the wilderness, so that they could know that the Lord was their God De 29:6 -Offered with sacrifices Ex 29:40; Le 23:13; Nu 15:5,10; 28:7,14 -Given by Melchizedek to Abraham Ge 14:18 -Fermented Le 10:9; Nu 6:3; 28:7; De 14:26; 29:6; Pr 23:31,32; Mr 2:22 -Refined Isa 25:6; Jer 48:11 -Of staggering (R. V.) Ps 60:3 -Inflames the eyes Ge 49:12 -Commerce in Re 18:13 -Banquets of Es 5:6 -Cheap wine (like vinegar) given to Jesus at the crucifixion Mt 27:48; Mr 15:23; Lu 23:36; Joh 19:29 -Intoxication from the use of Ps 104:15; Pr 4:17 -INSTANCES OF INTOXICATION FROM Noah Ge 9:21 Lot Ge 19:32 Joseph and his brothers Ge 43:34 Nabal 1Sa 25:36 Amnon 2Sa 13:28,29 Ahasuerus Es 1:10 Kings of Israel Ho 7:5 Falsely charged against the disciples Ac 2:13 -FIGURATIVE Of the divine judgments Ps 60:3; 75:8; Jer 51:7 Of the joy of wisdom Pr 9:2,5 Of the joys of spiritual matters Isa 25:6; 55:1; Joe 2:19 Of abominations Re 14:8; 16:19 -SYMBOLICAL Of the blood of Jesus Mt 26:28; Mr 14:23,24; Lu 22:20; Joh 6:53-56 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO De 14:26; 33:28; 2Ki 18:32; 2Ch 32:28; Ne 10:39; Ps 4:7; 104:14,15; Pr 31:6,7; Ec 2:3,11; Isa 56:12; Ho 2:8,22; 7:14; Joe 1:5; 2:24; 3:3; Am 6:6; Hab 2:5; Hag 1:11; Zec 9:17; 10:7; 1Ti 5:23 See VINE See VINEYARD -ADMONITIONS AGAINST THE USE OF Le 10:9; Nu 6:3; Jud 13:4; Pr 20:1; 21:17; 23:29-32; 31:4,5; Isa 5:11,22; 24:9; 28:1,3,7; Jer 23:9; 35:2-10,14,18,19; Eze 44:21; Ho 4:11; Lu 1:15; Ro 14:21; Eph 5:18; Tit 2:3

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