Vespasian in Roman Biography
Vespasian, vis-pa'zhe-an, [Lat. Vespasia'nus; Fr.
Vespasien, vJs'pi'zg-^N' ; It. Vespasiano, ves-pa-sea'no,]
or, more fully, Ti'tus Fla'vius Vespasia'nus,
Emperor of Rome, was born near Reate in 9 a.d. He
served as military tribune in Thrace, and held the offices
of quaestor of Crete and Cyrene, under Caligula. He
was afterwards made praetor ; and, having distinguished
himself by several important victories in Britain, he was
appointed proconsul of Africa about 60 A.D. As commander
of the forces against the revolted Jews in 66
A.D., he subjected nearly the whole of Judea in less than
two years. In 69 A.D. Vespasian was proclaimed emperor
by Tiberius Alexander, prefect of Egypt, in opposition
to Vitellius, who was soon after put to death by
the Roman soldiers. The principal events of the reign
of Vespasian were the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus, in 70
A.D., the victories of Agricola in Britain, and of
I'etilius Cerealisover the Batavi, commanded by Civilis.
Under his wise and beneficent rule Rome enjoyed a high
degree of prosperity ; he patronized learning and the
arts, introduced important reforms into the army and
courts of justice, and repaired the ravages caused by
civil war. He also restored the Capitol, built the
Temple of Peace, and began the erection of the
amphitheatre, afterwards called the Colosseum, and also
the Flavian Amphitheatre, from his name Flavius. He
died in 79 A.D.
See Suetonius,
Vespasianus ;" A. W. Cramer,
Flavins Vespasianus,"
1785 ; Tacitus,
History of Rome :" Berneggbr, "Vita
Imperatoris Vespasiani," 1625; Hhimbrod,
" Flavii Vespasiani Iniperatoris
Vita," 1S33; Tillemont, "Histoire des Empereurs :"
History of the Romans under the Empire;" "Nouvelle
Biographie G&ierale."
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