Ucal in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
u'-kal ('ukhal (see below)): This name occurs along with that
of Ithiel (Prov 30:1), both being taken by older interpreters
as those of ancient sages. Some have suggested (see Toy,
Proverbs, 519 f) that Ucal might be the "Caleol" of 1 Ki 4:31
(Hebrew 5:11). Ucal was also explained as "I can," i.e. "I can
maintain my obedience to God," just as Ithiel was taken to be
"signs of God." Septuagint, Aquila, Theodotion do not take the
words as proper names, and so BDB with others point this word
as a vb., "(and) I am consumed" (wa'ekhel, for [~we'ukhal).
The last three words of the verse are then translated "I have
wearied myself, O God, I have wearied myself, O God, and am
David Francis Roberts
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