Tyrannus in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
ti-ran'-us (Turannos): When the Jews of Ephesus opposed
Paul's teaching in the synagogue, he withdrew, and,
separating his followers, reasoned daily in the school of
Tyrannus. "This continued for the space of two years" (Acts
19:9,10). D Syriac (Western text) adds after Tyrannus (Acts
19:9), "from the 5th hour unto the 10th." Schole is the
lecture-hall or teaching-room of a philosopher or orator,
and such were to be found m every Greek city. Tyrannus may
have been (1) a Greek rhetorician or (2) a Jewish rabbi.
(1) This is the common opinion, and many identify him with a
certain Tyrannus, a sophist, mentioned by Suidas. Paul would
thus appear to be one of the traveling rhetors of the time,
who had hired such a hall to proclaim his own peculiar
philosophy (Ramsay, Paul the Traveler, 246, 271).
(2) Meyer thinks that as the apostle had not passed wholly
to the Gentiles, and Jews still flocked to hear him, and
also that as Tyrannus is not spoken of as a proselyte
(sebomenos ton Theon), this schole is the beth Midrash of a
Jewish rabbi. "Paul with his Christians withdrew from the
public synagogue to the private synagogue of Tyrannus, where
he and his doctrine were more secure from public annoyance"
(Meyer in the place cited.).
(3) Another view (Overbeck) is that the expression was the
standing name of the place after the original owner.
S. F. Hunter
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