Tubal-cain in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
tu'-bal-kan (tubhal qayin): One of the sons of Lamech (Gen
4:22). He is a brother of Jabal and Jubal, who appear to have
been the founders of several industries and articles The text
(loTesh kol choresh nechosheth u-bharzel) has been the cause
of endless dispute. Holzinger and Gunkel hold that laTash was
a marginal gloss to charash, and that, as in Gen 4:20 and 21,
there stood before kal originally hu hayah 'abhi. This would
make Tubal-cain the founder of the metal industry, and place
him in a class similar to that of his brothers. The
Septuagint, however, has no equivalent of qayin. This omission
leads Dillmann, Wellhausen, and others to the position that
"Tubal" originally stood alone, and qayin, being a later
addition, was translated "smith." Many commentators identify
Tubal with the Assyrian Tubal, a people living Southwest of
the Black Sea; in later times they were called "Tibareni"
(Ezek 27:13). Tubal may be the eponymous ancestor of these
people, whose principal industry seems to have been the
manufacture of vessels of bronze and iron.
Horace J. Wolf
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