Tophet in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
to'-feth (ha-topheth, etymology uncertain; the most probable
is its connection with a root meaning "burning"--the "place of
burning"; the King James Version, Tophet, except in 2 Ki
23:10): The references are to such a place: "They have built
the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son
of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire"
(Jer 7:31). On account of this abomination Topheth and the
Valley of Hinnom should be called "The valley of Slaughter:
for they shall bury in Topheth, till there be no place to
bury," the Revised Version margin "because there shall be no
place else" (Jer 7:32); see also Jer 19:6,12,13,14. Josiah is
said to have "defiled Topheth" as part of his great religious
reforms (2 Ki 23:10). The site of this shameful place would
seem to have been either at the lower end of the Valley of
Hinnom (see HINNOM, VALLEY OF), near where Akeldama is now
pointed out, or in the open ground where this valley joins the
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