Timnah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(portion). 1. A place which formed one of the landmarks on the north boundary of the allotment of Judah. Jos 15:10 It is probably identical with the Thimnathah of Jos 19:43 and that again with the Timnath, or, more accurately, Timnathah, of Samson Jud 14:1,2,5 and the Thamnatha of the Maccabees. The modern representative of all these various forms of the same name is probably Tibneh, a village about two miles west of Ain Shems (Beth-shemesh). In the later history of the Jews, Timnah must have been a conspicuous place. It was fortified by Bacchides as one of the most important military posts of Judea. 1 Macc. 9:50. 2. A town in the mountain district of Judah. Jos 15:57 A distinct place from that just examined. 3. Inaccurately written Timnath in the Authorized Version, the scene of the adventure of Judah with his daughter in-law Tamar. Ge 38:12,13,14 There is nothing here to indicate its position. It may be identified either with the Timnah in the mountains of Judah No. 23 or with the Timnathath of Samson [No. 1].

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