Thyatira in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
(Lydia, the probable agent of carrying the gospel to her
native town.) (See LYDIA.) Thyatira lay a little to the left
of the road from Pergamos to Sardis (Strabo 13:4, who calls
it "a Macedonian colony"); on the Lycus, a little to the S.
of the Hyllus, at the N. end of the valley between Mount
Tmolus and the southern ridge of Tetanus. Founded by
Seleucus Nicator. On the confines of Mysia and Ionia. A
corporate guild of dyers is mentioned in three inscriptions
of the times of the Roman empire between Vespasian and
Caracalla. To it probably belonged Lydia, the seller of
purple (i.e. scarlet, for the ancients called many bright
red colors "purple") stuffs (Acts 16:14). The waters are so
suited for dyeing that nowhere is the scarlet of fezzes
thought to be so brilliant and permanent as that made here.
Modern Thyatira contains a population of 17,000.
In Revelation 2:18-25, "the Son of God who hath eyes
like unto a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass,"
stands in contrast to the sun god. Tyrimnas, the tutelary
god of Thyatira, represented with flaming rays and feet of
burnished brass. Christ commends Thyatira's works, charity,
service, faith, and patience. Thyatira's "last works were
more than the first," realizing 1 Thessalonians 4:1, instead
of retrograding from "first love and first works" as Ephesus
(Revelation 2:4-5); the converse of Matthew 12:45; 2 Peter
2:20. Yet Thyatira "suffered that woman Jezebel, which
calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce My
servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed
unto idols." (See JEZEBEL.) Some self-styled prophetess, or
collection of prophets (the feminine in Hebrew idiom
expressing a multitude), closely attached to and influencing
the Thyatira church and its presiding bishop or "angel" (the
Alexandrinus and Vaticanus manuscripts read "thy wife" for
"that woman") as Jezebel did her weak husband Ahab.
The presiding angel ought to have exercised his
authority over the prophetess or prophets so-called, who
seduced many into the libertinism of the Balaamites and
Nicolaitans of Thyatira's more powerful neighbour Pergamos
(Revelation 2:6; Revelation 2:14; Revelation 2:16). (See
BALAAMITES; NICOLAITANS.) The Lord encourages the faithful
section at Thyatira. "Unto you (omit 'and' with the
Alexandrinus and the Vaticanus manuscripts, the Sinaiticus
manuscript reads: 'among ') the rest in Thyatira I say, ...
I will put upon you none other burden (save abstinence from
and protestation against these abominations: this the
seducers regarded as an intolerable burden, see Matthew
11:30); but that which ye have hold fast until I come." A
shrine outside Thyatira walls was sacred to the sibyl
Sambatha, a Jewess or Chaldaean, in an enclosure called "the
Chaldaean court."
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