The Religion Of The Assyrians
The religion of the Assyrians, much like that of the
Babylonians, emphasized worship of nature. They believed
every object of nature was possessed by a spirit. The chief
god was Asshur. All other primary gods whom they worshiped
were related to the objects of nature. These included Anu,
god of the heavens; Bel, god of the region inhabited by
man, beasts, and birds; Ea, god of the waters; Sin, the
moon-god; Shamash, the sun-god; and Ramman, god of the
storms. These gods were followed by five gods of the
planets. In addition to these primary gods, lesser gods
also were worshiped. In some cases, various cities had
their own patron gods. The pagan worship of the Assyrians
was vehemently condemned by several prophets of the Old
Testament (Is. 10:5; Ezek. 16:28; Hos. 8.9)
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