The 70 weeks of Daniel
The 70 weeks in Daniel are mentioned in Daniel 9, and they
refer to a prophecy of Daniel where he claims that the king of
Persia will release the Jews to rebuild their Temple in
Jerusalem. When he makes this decree the Jews are to begin
counting, and after 70 weeks (7 year periods or 490 years) the
kingdom of the Messiah will be established on earth. But
something interesting would happen, at the end of the 69th
week (483 years) the Messiah will be "cut off" which indicates
His death. The final seven year period is suddenly thrown into
the future, to the time of the end of the world. This final
seven year period is described in the book of Revelation as a
time of the Messiah taking back the earth. It is divided into
two 3 1/2 year periods and directly in the middle is when the
antichrist sets up his throne in Jerusalem and reveals himself
as God. Certain portions of this final seven years are
mentioned in other prophetic books of the Bible like
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