Tax in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
taks, taks'-ing:
1. General Considerations
2. Limits of the Discussion
1. In the Earliest Period
2. Under the Theocracy; in the Period of the Judges
3. Under the Kings
1. Under the Assyrians and Babylonians
2. Under the Persians
3. Under the Ptolemies and Seleucid Kings
4. Under the Romans
I. Introduction.
1. General Considerations:
Taxation, in the sense of regular, graduated imposts levied
by authority upon wealth, whether in the form of flocks and
herds, tilled lands or accumulated treasure, is a
comparatively late product of social evolution. The
beginnings of this trouble-breeding institution are, of
course, very ancient. If in the beginning all wealth was
common wealth, all property vested in the family or tribe,
making any kind of levies unnecessary, with the rise of
individualism, the prorata setting aside, for common uses,
of certain possessions held as private property by
individuals, which is the essence of taxation, is
inevitable. With the advent of more advanced civilization,
by which is meant fixed residence, systematic use and
cultivation of defined and limited territory, established
political organization centering in rulers of one kind or
another, regular taxation must necessarily have begun.
Throughout history the burden of taxation has kept pace with
the elaboration of the machinery of government; kings,
courts, ceremonials, legislative and judicial
administration, wars, diplomacy--all these institutions
spell expense and, consequently, taxation. In a very real
sense, the history of taxation is the history of
2. Limits of the Discussion:
In following the history of taxation in the Bible, two lines
of development are to be noted: Israel's internal history
when left to herself, and her experiences as tributary to
successive conquerors. These two lines of experience form
the main divisions of this article. We shall confine
ourselves so far as possible to the civil aspects of the
subject, leaving for others those interesting problems of
taxation connected with the origin and development of the
priestly legislation.
See TITHE etc.
II. Taxes in Israel under Self-Government.
In the first glimpses of the ancestors of the Hebrew...
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