Tarshish in Wikipedia

Tarshish occurs in the Hebrew Bible with these meanings: One of the sons of Javan (Gen 10:4 ). In the Bible Solomon setup a trade with Tarshish and received ivory, apes, and peacocks [9:21 ] [10:22 ] from Tarshish which are all native to the jungles in India. India's state bird for example is the peacock [1]. The Bible also indicates that Jonah also attempted to sail to Tarshish [1:3 ]. His rebellion against the LORD led to his being tossed overboard by sailors, swallowed by a large fish, and vomited out onto dry land by God's command. He then made his way to Ninevah, now known as Mosul, in Iraq. Flavius Josephus (Antiquitates Iudaicae i. 6, § 1) reads "Tarshush", identifying it as the city of Tarsus in southern Asia Minor which was referred to in Assyrian records from the reign of Esarhaddon as Tarsisi. Prior to this time, the Assyrians referred to Tarsus as Tarzi. Modern research has shown that the metals the Old Testament associates with Tarshish existed in the Taurus Mountains north of Tarsus.[citation needed] In addition, Phoenician inscriptions have been found at Karatepe in Cilicia[2]. Bunsen and Sayce [3] follow Josephus...

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