Summary of The Book of Ezra

The Book of Ezra covers events in later Jewish Biblical history, for example the return of the Jews from exile under Zerubbabel, and the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. It also covers the arrival of Ezra in Jerusalem, Ezra reforms religion and government, (note the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah correspond with this time period). The main events include: 1) The return of the exiles to Jerusalem at the decree of Cyrus, 546 BC (Ezra 1-2 ). 2 ) The work of rebuilding the temple begun, brought to a standstill through the efforts of heathen neighbors, and finally completed at the urging of Haggai and Zechariah (Ezra 3-6). 3 ) Ezra's return to Jerusalem for the purpose of restoring the temple service (Ezra 7-8). 4 ) The problem of mixed marriages, which threatened to plunge the Jews into the same course of idolatry which had brought about their original downfall (Ezra 9-10).

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