Succoth in Smiths Bible Dictionary
1. An ancient town, first heard of in the account of
the homeward journey of Jacob from Padan-aram. Ge 35:17 The
name is derived from the fact of Jacob's having there put up
"booths" (succoth) for his cattle as well as a house for
himself. From the itinerary of Jacob's return it seems that
Succoth lay between Peniel, near the ford of the torrent
Jabbok and Shechem. Comp. Ge 32:30 and Gene 33:18
In accordance with this is the mention of Succoth in
the narrative of Gideon's pursuit of Zebah and Zalluunna.
Jud 5:5-17 It would appear from this passage that it lay
east of the Jordan, which is corroborated by the fact that
it was allotted to the tribe of Gad. Jos 13:27 Succoth is
named once again after this --in 1Ki 7:46; 2Ch 4:17 --as
marking the spot at which the brass founderies were placed
for casting the metal work of the temple. (Dr. Merrill
identifies it with a site called Tell Darala, one mile north
of the Jabbok. --ED.)
2. The first camping-place of the Israelites when
they left Egypt. Ex 12:37; 13:20; Nu 33:5,6 This place was
apparently reached at the close of the first days march.
Rameses, the starting-place, was probably near the western
end of the Wadi-t-Tumeylat. The distance traversed in each
day's journey was about fifteen miles.
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