Street in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
rechob. A broad open space, as the courtyard, the space near
the gate devoted to public business (Deuteronomy 13:16), or
before t he temple (Ezra 10:9; Esther 4:6). Particular trades
gathered in certain quarters, as "the bakers' street"
(Jeremiah 37:21). Chuts is a "narrow street" (Proverbs 5:16;
Jeremiah 5:1) in contrast to the "broad street", rechob. Shuq
like chuts is seemingly "the narrow street" distinguished from
"the broad way," rechob, in Song of Solomon 3:2. Luke 14:21
plateia and rumee, "the streets and lanes." But shuq etymology
means "a place of concourse", and rume is applied to the
"straight" street of Damascus (Acts 9:11).
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