Stephen in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
The first of the seven appointed to minister as a deacon in
distributing alms, so that the Grecian widows should not be
neglected while the Hebrew widows were served (Acts 6; 7).
(See DEACON.) His Grecian name (meaning "crown"; by a
significant coincidence he was the first who received the
crown of martyrdom) and his anti-Judaistic speech indicate
that he was a Hellenist or Greek speaking foreign Jew as
contrasted with a home born Hebrew speaking Jew.
frontGRECIAN.) "He did great miracles and wonders among the
people," in confirmation of the gospel. He was, like the rest
of the seven, "of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit and
wisdom"; also "full of faith and power," so that the
disputants of the synagogue of the Libertines, Cyrenians,
Alexandrians, Cilicians, all like himself Grecian Jews, "were
not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he
spoke." So they charged him before the Sanhedrin by suborned
witnesses with speaking against Moses and God, the temple and
the law, and asserting that, Jesus of Nazareth should destroy
the temple and change the customs that Moses had delivered...
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