Sickness in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
sik, sik'-nes (chalah (Gen 48:1, etc.), choli (Dt 28:61,
etc.), tachalu' (Dt 29:21, etc.), machalah (Ex 23:25, etc.),
daweh (Lev 15:33, etc.), 'anash (2 Sam 12:15, etc.);
astheneo (Mt 10:8, etc.;. compare 2 Macc 9:22), [@kakos
echon (Lk 7:2), kakos echontas (Mt 4:24, etc.), arrhostos
(Sirach 7:35; Mt 14:14, etc.), arrhostema (Sirach 10:10,
etc.), with various cognates, kamno (Jas 5:15); Latin morbus
(2 Esdras 8:31)): Compared with the number of deaths
recorded in the historical books of the Bible the instances
in which diseases are mentioned are few. "Sick" and
"sickness" (including "disease," etc.) are the translations
of 6 Hebrew and 9 Greek words and occur 56 times in the Old
Testament and 57 times in the New Testament. The number of
references in the latter is significant as showing how much
the healing of the sick was characteristic of the Lord's
ministry. The diseases specified are varied. Of infantile
sickness there is an instance in Bath-sheba's child (2 Sam
12:15), whose disease is termed 'anash, not improbably
trismus nascentium, a common disease in Israel. Among
adolescents there are recorded the unspecified sickness of
Abijah (1 Ki 14:1), of the widow's son at Zarephath (1 Ki
17:17), the sunstroke of the Shunammite's son (2 Ki 4:19),
the epileptic boy (Mt 17:15), Jairus' daughter (Mt 9:18),
and the nobleman's son (Jn 4:46). At the other extreme of
life Jacob's death was preceded by sickness (Gen 48:1).
Sickness resulted from accident (Ahaziah, 2 Ki 1:2), wounds
(Joram, 2 Ki 8:29), from the violence of passion (Amnon, 2
Sam 13:2), or mental emotion (Dan 8:27); see also in this
connection Song 2:5; 5:8. Sickness the result of drunkenness
is mentioned (Hos 7:5), and as a consequence of famine (Jer
14:18) or violence (Mic 6:13). Daweh or periodic sickness is
referred to (Lev 15:33; 20:18), and an extreme case is that
of Lk 8:43.
In some examples the nature of the disease is specified, as
Asa's disease in his feet (1 Ki 15:23), for which he sought
the aid of physicians in vain (2 Ch 16:12). Hezekiah and Job
suffered from sore boils, Jehoram from some severe
dysenteric attack (2 Ch 21:19), as did Antiochus Epiphanes
(2 Macc 9:5). Probably the sudden and fatal disease of Herod
was similar, as in both cases there is reference to the
presence of worms (compare Acts 12:23 and 2 Macc 9:9). The
disease of Publius' father was also dysentery (Acts 28:8).
Other diseases specified are paralysis (Mt 8:6; 9:2), and
fever (Mt 8:14). Not improbably the sudden illness of the
young Egyptian at Ziklag (1 Sam 30:11), and the illness of
Ben-hadad which weakened him so that he could not resist the
violence of Hazael, were also the common Israel fever (2 Ki
8:15) of whose symptoms and effects there is a graphic
description in Ps 38. Unspecified fatal illnesses were those
of Elisha (2 Ki 13:14), Lazarus (Jn 11:1), Tabitha (Acts
9:37). In the language of the Bible, leprosy is spoken of as
a defilement to be cleansed, rather than as a disease to be
The proverb concerning the sick quoted by the Lord at
Capernaum (Mk 2:17) has come down to us in several forms in
apocryphal and rabbinical writings (Babha' Qamma' 26:13;
Sanhedhrin 176), but is nowhere so terse as in the form in
which He expresses it. The Lord performed His healing of the
sick by His word or touch, and one of the most emphatic
charges which He gave to His disciples when sending them out
was to heal the sick. One of the methods used by them, the
anointing with oil, is mentioned in Mk 6:13 and enjoined by
James (5:15). In later times the anointing which was at
first used as a remedial agent became a ceremonial in
preparation for death, one of the seven sacraments of the
Roman church (Aquinas, Summa Theologia suppl. ad Piii. 29).
The duty of visiting the sick is referred to in Ezek
34:4,16, and by the Lord in the description of the Judgment
scene (Mt 25:36,43). It is inculcated in several of the
rabbinical tracts. "He that visits the sick lengthens his
life, he who refrains shortens it," says Rabbi Ischanan in
Nedharim 29. In Shulchan `Arukh, Yoreh De`ah there is a
chapter devoted to this duty, which is regarded as incumbent
on the Jew, even though the sick person be a Gentile (Gittin
61a). The church's duty to the sick, so long neglected, has,
within the last century, been recognized in the mission
field, and has proved, in heathen lands, to be the most
important of all pioneer agressive methods.
While we find that the apostles freely exercised their gifts
of healing, it is noteworthy that we read of the sickness of
two of Paul's companions, Epaphroditus (Phil 2:26) and
Trophimus (2 Tim 4:20), for whose recovery he seems to have
used no other means than prayer.
See also DISEASE.
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