Shishak in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
Sheshonk I in the monuments; first sovereign of the Bubastite
22nd dynasty. He comes before us without the ancient name of
Pharaoh; he probably was a bold adventurer who supplanted the
previous dynasty. Hence arose his hostility to Solomon, who
was allied to a daughter of the former Pharaoh. By comparing
Manetho and the monuments with 2 Chronicles 12:2-9 and 1 Kings
11:40; 1 Kings 14:25-28, we infer that the first year of
Shishak corresponds to Solomon's 26th year, about 988 B.C.
(980: Hincks); and the 20th of Shishak when he invaded Judah
(969 B.C.) to Rehoboam's fifth year. Zerah probably succeeded
Shishak and attacked Judah before the 15tb year of Asa. The
name Shishak answers to Sheshach ("Babylon"), as Usarken and
Tekerut, his successors, answer to Sargon and Tiglath, Semitic
names; Namuret ("Nimrod") too is a name of princes of this
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