Semele in Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Semele (Σεμέλη), daughter of Cadmus and
Harmonia, was the mortal mother[1] of Dionysus by Zeus in one
of his many origin myths. (In another version of his mythic
origin, he had two mothers, Persephone and Semele.) The name
"Semele", like other elements of Dionysiac cult (e.g., thyrsus
and dithyramb), is manifestly not Greek[2] but apparently
Thraco-Phrygian;[3] the myth of Semele's father Cadmus gives
him a Phoenician origin. Herodotus, who gives the account of
Cadmus, estimates that Semele lived sixteen hundred years
before his time, or around 2000 B.C.[4]...
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