Scipio Africanus in Roman Biography
Scip'io iEmilia'nus Africa'nus Mi'nor, (Publius
Cornklius,) a famous Roman general, born about 185
B.C., was a son of /Emilius Paulus, and an adopted son
of Publius Cornelius Scipio, whose father was the great
Scipio. He was liberally educated, and was well versed
in Greek literature and philosophy. In 168 B.C. he fought
at the battle of Pydna, where his father commanded.
He formed an intimate friendship with the historian
Polybius, who became the companion of his studies and
military expeditions. As military tribune, he went to
Spain in 151 B.C., and signalized his courage in a single
combat with a gigantic Spanish chief, whom he killed.
In the third Punic war, which began about 149, he displayed
great military ability in Africa. Having returned
to Rome in 148, he was elected consul for 147, and obtained
Africa as his province. He finished the Punic war
by the capture and destruction of the city of Carthage in
146 B.C., and was granted a splendid triumph at Rome for
this victory. In the year 142 he became censor with L.
Mummius. He endeavoured to restrain the growing
love of luxury of the Romans and to maintain the simple
habits and austere virtues of their ancestors ; but in this
he was not successful. Having been elected consul, 134
B.C., he obtained the chief command in Spain, and took
Numantia, after a long and obstinate defence, in 133. He
was an inflexible supporter of the aristocratic party, and
approved the execution of Tiberius Gracchus, although
his wife Sempronia was a sister of that tribune. He lost
his popularity by his course in this affair. He was found
dead in his bed in 129 B.C. The public suspected that
he was murdered ; but no person was convicted of the
crime. Scipio was eminent for his learning, and was
one of the most eloquent Roman orators of his time.
Cicero expresses a high opinion of him in his book
" De Republica." A report prevailed among the ancients
that he assisted Terence in the composition of
his plays.
See Polybius. books xxxii.-xxxix. : Carlo Sir onio,
" De Vita et
Rebus gestis P. Scipionis," 1569: F. D. Gerl .ch, "Tod des
C. Scipio ^Kmilianus." 1839; L. Normann, "
Sripio Africanus Minor,"
Upsala, 1688: "Nouvelle Biographie Ge^ieYale."
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