Rephidim in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
("rests" or "stays") (Exodus 17:1; Exodus 17:8; Exodus
19:2). Here Israel first suffered from want of water, and
here they defeated Amalek. Captains Wilson and Palmer make
the battle in wady Feiran, near the ancient city of Feiran
(amidst traces of building and cultivation) under Mount
Serbal. But Holland (Canon Cook's essay on Exodus 16; 17;
19; Speaker's Commentary) places Rephidim after Israel
traversed the wady es Sheikh at the pass el Watiyeh shut in
by perpendicular rocks on either side; a choice position for
Amalek as it commands the entrance to the wadies round the
central group of Sinai. On the N. is a plain without water,
Israel's encampment. N. of the defile is a hill and bore
cliff such as Moses struck with his rod. S. of the pass is
another plain, Amalek's encampment, within reach of abundant
water. At the foot of the hill whereon Moses sat (Exodus
17:12 or else Exodus 18:13) the Arabs call a rock "the seat
of the prophet Moses." frontEXODUS.)
The fertility of Feiran is Stanley's argument for it
as the site of Rephidim, Amalek being likely to contend for
it against Israel. The "hill" in Exodus 17:9-10, he
identifies with that on which the church of Paran stood
(Numbers 33:12-13). Holland's view is probably the truer
one, for wady es Sheikh is the only open broad way from the
N.W. into the "wilderness of Sinai", Ras Sufsafeh before the
open er Rahah or "desert of Sinai" being the true Mount
Sinai, not Serbal. The Bir Musa, "well of Moses," in the
wide part of wady es Sheykh, is immediately outside or N. of
the pass out of Horeb. Wady es Sheykh, "the valley of the
chiefs," may allude to the elders appointed at Jethro's
suggestion to be rulers and judges under Moses (Exodus
18:21-26). Forster (if his reading be correct: Voice of
Israel, p. 118) interprets an inscription with a man's
figure with uplifted hands on a rock, "the prophet upon a
hard great stone prayeth unto God, Aaron and Hur sustaining
his hands." It was after receiving the water supply at
Rephidim from God that Israel conquered Amalek.
So it is only after the Christian receives the
living water front Christ the smitten Rock that he can
effectively conquer his spiritual foes (1 John 5:4). Faith
and prayer go together, as at Rephidim. Lift up, not an
empty hand, but like Moses grasping the rod hold fast God's
word of promise, filling the hand with this effectual plea
(Exodus 17:9; Exodus 17:11-12; Job 23:4; Psalm 119:49;
Isaiah 43:26; James 5:16). (See MASSAH; MERIBAH.) Moses
struck the rock in Horeb at some point not in the people's
sight, therefore not near the summit, but in the presence of
selected witnesses, the elders (Exodus 17:5-6). The
"spiritual rock, Christ, followed all the Israelites" (1
Corinthians 10:4). The repetition of the miracle (Numbers
20:11) at Kadesh shows that the rabbinical tradition is
incorrect, that the rock or the stream followed them
literally in all their journeys. Rather He of whom the rock
was type accompanied them and supplied all their needs (1
Corinthians 10:4).
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