Rekem in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
re'-kem (rekem, "friendship"):
(1) One of the five kings of Midian slain by the Israelites
under Moses (Nu 31:8; Josh 13:21 (Codex Vaticanus Rhobok;
Codex Alexandrinus Rhokom)). Like his companions, he is
called a "king" in Numbers, but a "prince" or "chieftain" in
the passage in Josh. The two references are hardly related;
both are based on an earlier tradition.glish Language, 398).
the Revised Version (British and American) has, however,
retained the older word, at least in the margin, in all
passages in which it is found in the King James Version):
According to Hebrew psychology the reins are the seat of the
deepest emotions and affections of man, which God alone can
fully know. Thus the Revised Version (British and American)
has substituted "heart" for "reins" in the text of Job
19:27; Ps 7:9; 16:7; 26:2; 73:21; Prov 23:16; Jer 11:20;
12:2; 17:10; 20:12; the translation "inward parts" is found
but once (Ps 139:13). In one passage the King James Version
has translated the Hebrew halac ("loins") with "reins" (Isa
11:5), where the Revised Version (British and American) has
rightly substituted "waist" (which see). The Greek word
nephros (which is etymologically allied to the Middle
English nere, Get. Niere; see Skeat, ibid, 231, under the
word "Kidney") is found in 1 Macc 2:24; Rev 2:23. compare
Mic 4:7); "Thy God reigneth" (Isa 52:7); "Thou hast taken
thy great power and didst reign" (Rev 11:17, meaning
probably "thou didst assume thy might"); (2) the Messiah
(Christ) as a just and righteous king (Jer 23:5); an eternal
king (Lk 1:33; compare Rev 11:15); punishing and subduing
His enemies (Lk 19:14,27; 1 Cor 15:25).
(2) Eponym of a Calebite family (1 Ch 2:43 (Rhekom).
Probably a town in Southern Judah. A town of this name is
given as belonging to Benjamin (Josh 18:27).
(3) A city of Benjamin, mentioned with Irpeel and Taralah
(Josh 18:27); the site is unknown.
See also RAKEM.
Horace J. Wolf
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