Quintilian in Roman Biography
Quin-til'I-an, [Lat. Quintilia'nus or Quinctilia'.
nus ; Fr. Quintilien, kiN'te'leJ.N',] (Marcus Fabius,)
a celebrated Roman critic and teacher of rhetoric, was
born probably between 40 and 50 A.n. Jerome states
that he was a native of Calagurris, (Calanorra,) in the
northern part of Spain ; but some modern writers think
he was born in Rome. He obtained a high reputation
as a pleader, and was the first public instructor who
received from the imperial treasury a regular salary.
Among his pupils was the Younger Pliny. He taught
rhetoric for twenty years, and retired from that profession
in the reign of Domitian, who appointed him
preceptor of his grand-nephews. His chief work is a
treatise on the education of an orator,
" Institutio Oratoria,"
divided into twelve books. This is the most
complete and methodical treatise on rhetoric that has
come down to us from antiquity. An entire copy of it
was found by Poggio at Saint Gall in 1417. His style
is clear, elegant, and highly polished. His practical
ideas are good, but his criticisms are rather superficial.
He gives judicious precepts for students, and interesting
details of the education and classic studies of the
His merit consists in sound judgment, propriety,
and good taste, rather than in originality or elevation of
mind. He is supposed to have died about 118 a.d. He
wrote a work on the corruption or decadence of eloquence,
"De Causis Corruptee Eloquentiae," which is
not extant. His "Institutio" has been translated into
English by Guthrie (1756) and Patsall, (1774.)
See ROdiger, "De Quintiliano Paedagogo," 1S50; V. Otto,
"Quintilian und Rousseau," 1836; J. Janin, "Piine le Jeune
Quintilien," 183S : Hummel, "Quintiliani Vita," 1843;
Biographie Generale."
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