Ptolemy I Soter in Tour Egypt
by Jimmy Dunn --
In the ancient world, there is no surprise that military men
often became rulers. These men, most of whom rose through
the military
ranks, usually had considerable administrative skills and
had proved themselves to be leaders. Almost certainly the
first man to unite
Egypt at the dawn of civilization was a military man who
became king, and this tradition has been followed throughout
the history of the
world, up unto our present times.
Alexander the Great built an empire during the latter part
of the first millennium BC, including Egypt which he
captured in about 332
BC. Though he ordered the building of a great city in his
name on the Egyptian Mediterranean coast, he was not
finished with his
conquests and would soon depart the country, leaving behind
a banker of Naucratis named Cleomenes as Egypt's satrap, or
governor. He was
greatly despised. Demosthenes called him "Ruler of Egypt
and dishonest manipulator of the country's lucrative grain
trade". Aristotle
even spoke up, concurring and citing Cleomenes' numerous
incidents of fraudulent conduct with merchants, priests of
the temple and
government officials. The Roman historian Arrian added his
own assessment, telling us that "he was an evil man who
committed many
grievous wrongs in Egypt"
When Ptolemy I took over the post from Clemones in Egypt, he
had little option but to try, sentence and execute
Cleomenes. Ptolemy I is
thought to have been the son of Lagus, a Macedonian nobleman
of Eordaea. His mother's name was Arsinoe. He was a boyhood
friend of
Alexander the Great at Pella, and later became one of his
most trusted generals as well as a member of his royal
After Alexander's death in 323 BC, Ptolemy I, at least
nominally continued to act as satrap for a time under
Alexander's successors, but
these were apparently not strong rulers and soon the empire
created by Alexander began to break up. Hence, Alexander's
generals, known
as the diadochi (followers), divided up the conquered
territories for themselves. We tend to think of Ptolemy I as
then becoming the
king of Egypt, but this was not entirely true. Nominally, he
was answerable to the Council of State that had been set up
in Babylon
after Alexander's death, and to Perdiccas, the regent who
held Alexander's signet ring. Matters at this point were far
from settled as
to the ultimate ruler of Egypt.
There are various legends about the burial of Alexander,
most of which culminate with his body being under the
control of Ptolemy I.
This gave Egypt's satrap both political and religious
advantage, and Perdiccas realized this. In fact, so
important was Ptolemy I's
advantage that, in the spring of 321 BC, Perdiccas marched
against him with an army of 5,000 cavalry and 20,000
infantry. However, he
was repulsed by Ptolemy I near Memphis and then Perdiccas
was murdered by his own officers.
Nevertheless, the diadochi continued to war amongst
themselves, although Antigonus Gonatus, Commander of the
Grand Army, tried to keep
them under control with a firm policy of repression,
replacement and execution when necessary. To keep him at
bay, three of the
diadochi, consisting of Ptolemy I, Lysimachus and Cassander,
entered into an uneasy partnership that would finally pay
off. When
Antigonus prepared to attack Cassander in Macedon, Ptolemy I
marched against Antigonus' son, Demetrius Poliorcetes and
defeated him at
Gaza in 312 BC. After that, there was a peace treaty signed
the following year confirming Ptolemy I as satrap in Egypt.
However, wars between the diadochi persisted, and in 306 BC,
Ptolemy I lost a sea battle at Salamis in Cyprus against
Demetrius, though
he held back Antigonus on land the same year at Gaza. It is
said that he defended the Rhodians against Demetrius in 305
BC, and for this
received from them his title Soter, meaning "Saviour". It
was actually in November of that year that some ancient
sources tell us that
he officially assumed the kingship of Egypt. (Though this is
not certain, he almost certainly assumed the kingship
between 304 and 306
BC). Then, in 301 BC at the battle of Ipsus, Antigonus was
killed, and the three allies were finally able to divide up
the empire
between themselves. Not only did Ptolemy become supreme
ruler of Egypt, but also added Palestine and lower Syria to
his empire. Under
his rule, all of these territories appear to have prospered.
Ptolemy I Soter took the Egyptian name Meryamun Setepenre,
which means "Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Re". Hence, he
attempted to take on
the guise of a Pharaoh as other foreign rulers before him,
and is even said to have married a daughter of Nectanebo II,
though this is
by no means certain. However, as early as 320 BC, he had her
set aside for Eurydice, the daughter of Antipater, who was
regent of
Macedon. By her, Ptolemy I had four children and possibly
more, and then another three by Berenice, a widowed lady-in-
waiting to
Even prior to his possible marriage to the daughter of
Nectanebo II, Ptolemy is known to have married at least
once, if not twice. Some
sources provide that his first marriage was to a lady named
Thais, who was an Athenian hetera, and it is fairly well
known that he was
married to a Persian princess named Artacama (Artakama), but
there is never further mention of her after the wedding.
By Thais, some sources report that he had three children
named Lagus, Leontiscus and Eirene. By Eurydice, his
children included Ptolemy
Ceraunus, an unknown son, Ptolemais, Lysandra and possibly
Meleager and Argaeus. His union with Berenice apparently was
responsible for
his heir to the Egyptian throne, Ptolemy II, as well as
Arsinoe II and Philotera.
Egypt's first ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty became a
monarch in the Hellenistic whole while at the same time
continued the line of god-
kings in Egypt, wisely paying at least lip service to the
prominent priesthood, who not only helped keep the
population in check but
also provided an excellent civil service that provided the
country with stability and allowed it to prosper.
If Ptolemy I Soter did not complete the many great works he
began, we can certainly admire his imagination and efforts.
It was he who,
in 290 BC, began the construction of the Pharos Lighthouse
in Alexandria, though it was unfinished at his death in
about 285 BC (some
sources day 283 BC, at the age of 84) and had to be
completed by his son and successor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus.
It was he who erected
the great Mouseion, Alexandria's famous ancient university
though it would again be his son who would really establish
it by inviting
world renowned scholars to live in Egypt. However, it was
also Ptolemy I who created the famous Library of Alexandria,
and who
obsessively filled it with the books that would allow his
son to tempt away these scholars to Egypt. It should be
noted that this king
was also responsible for having the Hebrew Bible translated
into the Greek language. Ptolemy I not only supported the
foundations of Alexandria, he was also somewhat of a scholar
himself, writing a history of Alexander the Great.
Demetrius Phalereus, the first head of the ancient
Alexandria Library and one who was also instrumental in
creating the Mouseion,
advised Ptolemy I to "collect together books on kingship and
the exercise of power, and to read them". It seems likely
that Ptolemy I at
least attempted to follow this advice, judging from his
success in governing the territories under his authority. He
sought to
consolidate the religions of the Egyptians and Greeks by
actually creating the worship of a new god named Serapis,
which was in reality
a composite deity made up of both Egyptian and Greek gods.
Ptolemy I established for this god the Sarapeion in
Alexandra, a temple
dedicated to the god which also held a daughter library to
that of the Great Library of Alexandria. He was also
responsible for many
other temples and temple additions in Egypt, which
undoubtedly proved useful with his relationship to Egypt's
powerful priesthood.
This is not to say that Ptolemy I was entirely successful.
Serapis, though becoming a popular god not only with the
Greeks in Egypt but
elsewhere in the world, seems to have never really attained
that stature among the Egyptians themselves, who went about
worshipping their old gods. In addition, choosing Alexandria
as his capital segregated the Greeks of his generation and
descendents from the Egyptian people. In fact, Alexandria
came to be considered more of a Greek city in Egypt, rather
than actually an
Egyptian city.
Ptolemy I Soter was probably buried in Alexandria in the
royal necropolis, but alas, not much if any of that cemetery
has ever been
found. He was succeeded in death by his son who became known
as Ptolemy II and who may have shared a co-regency with his
father for a
period of time before Ptolemy I's death.
Read More about Ptolemy I Soter in Tour Egypt