Piankh in Wikipedia

While the High Priest of Amun Piankh (or Payankh) has been assumed to be a son-in-law of Herihor and his heir to the Theban throne of the High Priest of Amun, recent studies by Karl Jansen-Winkeln of the surviving temple inscriptions and monumental works by Herihor and Piankh in Upper Egypt imply that Piankh was actually Herihor's predecessor and father in-law.[1][2] Be that as it may, Piankh’s wife was Hrere, Herihor's daughter, while his son was Pinedjem I[3]. Piankh led an army against Pinehesy, viceroy of Kush, who had conquered large parts of Upper Egypt and succeeded in driving him back into Nubia [4]. Piankh's name literally means "of life". Piankh held a number of official positions including High Priest of Amun[5], King's scribe, King's son of Kush, Overseer of the foreign countries to the South, overseer of the granaries and commander of the archers (i. e. chief of police) of the whole of [Upper] Egypt.[6]. He was succeeded in office by either Herihor or Pinedjem I, his son. He is the only Ancient Egyptian High Priest of Amun, or yet, Ancient Egyptian royalty with a detailed family tree which was put together by Wessa Wassif and Habib Kozman, in 1956, which was later edited again by his great relative Nabil Mounier Habib, Habib's grandson, with the help of novelist and ancient Egyptian specialist Naguib Mahfouz, at the American University in Cairo, in 1990 . His family line still thrives in Egypt until today.

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