Phylactery in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
fi-lak'-ter-i (phulakterion, "guard"):
1. Bible References:
This word is found only in Mt 23:5 in our Lord's
denunciation of the Pharisees, who, in order that their
works might "be seen of men," and in their zeal for the
forms of religion, "make broad their phylacteries and
enlarge the borders of their garments." The corresponding
word in the Old Testament, ToTaphoth (Kennedy in HDB
suggests pointing as the segholate feminine singular,
ToTepheth), is fonnd in three passages (Ex 13:16; Dt 6:8;
11:18), where it is translated "frontlets." This rendering,
however, is not at all certain, and may have been read into
the text from its later interpretation. In Ex 13:9 the
corresponding word to the Totaphoth of 13:16 is zikkaron,
"memorial" or "reminder"; and in the parallel clauses of
both verses the corresponding word is 'oth, "a sign" upon
the hand, also used for the "sign" which Yahweh appointed
for Cain (Gen 4:15). It may be rendered then as a mark or
ornament or jewel, and used figuratively of Yahweh's Law as
an ornament or jewel to the forehead of the Israelite, a
reference to the charm or amulet worn by the pagan. The word
used in the Talmud for the phylactery is tephillah,
"prayer," or "prayer-band" (plural tephillin), indicating
its use theoretically as a reminder of the Law, although
practically it might be esteemed as an automatic and ever-
present charm against evil: an aid within toward the keeping
of the Law, a guard without against the approach of evil; a
degradation of an Old Testament figurative and idealistic
phrase to the materialistic and superstitious practices of
the pagans.
2. Description:
The phylactery was a leather box, cube-shaped, closed with
an attached flap and bound to the person by a leather band.
There were two kinds: (1) one to be bound to the inner side
of the left arm, and near the elbow, so that with the
bending of the arm it would rest over the heart, the knot
fastening it to the arm being in the form of the Hebrew
letter yodh (y), and the end of the string, or band, finally
wound around the middle finger of the hand, "a sign upon thy
hand" (Dt 6:8). This box had one compartment containing one
or all of the four passages given above. The writer in his
youth found one of these in a comparatively remote locality,
evidently lost by a Jewish peddler, which contained only the
2nd text (Ex 13:11-16) in unpointed Hebrew. (2) Another was
to be bound in the center of the forehead, "between thine
eyes" (Dt 6:8), the knot of the band being in the form of
the Hebrew letter daleth (d), with the Hebrew letter shin
(sh) upon each end of the box, which was divided into four
compartments with one of the four passages in each. These
two Hebrew letters, with the yodh (y) of the arm-phylactery
(see (1) above), formed the divine name shadday, "Almighty."
Quite elaborate ceremonial accompanied the "laying" on of
the phylacteries, that of the arm being bound on first, and
that of the head next, quotations from Scripture or Talmud
being repeated at each stage of the binding. They were to be
worn by every male over 13 years old at the time of morning
prayer, except on Sabbaths and festal days, such days being
in themselves sufficient reminders of "the commandment, the
statutes, and the ordinances" of Yahweh (Dt 6:1).
3. Interpretation of Old Testament Passages:
The passages on which the wearing of the phylacteries is
based are as follows: "It (i.e. the feast of...
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