Phrȳné in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898)

(Φρύνη). A celebrated Athenian courtesan, born at Thespis in Boeotia. She flourished in the times of Philip and Alexander the Great, and was the mistress of some of the most distinguished men of the day. She became so wealthy that she is said to have offered to rebuild the walls of Thebes, when destroyed by Alexander, if only she might inscribe upon the walls, "Alexander destroyed these; but Phryné, the hetaera, rebuilt them"-an offer which was rejected. The famous painting of Apelles, entitled "Aphrodité Anadyomené," or Aphrodité rising from the sea, is said to have had Phryné for its model. (See Apelles.) Praxiteles, the sculptor, who was another of her lovers, used her as a model for his "Cnidian Aphrodité." At one time she was accused of profaning the Eleusinian Mysteries, and was brought before the court of the Heliasts; but her advocate, Hyperides, threw off her veil, and exposed her breasts to the judges, who at once acquitted her amid the applause of the people, by whom she was carried in triumph to the temple of Aphrodité. See Meretrix.

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