Philemon in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
A Christian householder who hospitably entertained the
saints (Philemon 1:7) and befriended them with loving
sympathy at Colossae, for Onesimus and Archippus were
Colossians (Colossians 4:9; Colossians 4:17; Philemon 1:1-2;
Philemon 1:10); to whom Paul wrote the epistle. He calls
Philemon "brother," and says "thou owest unto me even thine
own self," namely, as being the instrument of thy conversion
(Philemon 1:19); probably during Paul's long stay at the
neighboring Ephesus (Acts 19:10), when "all they which dwelt
in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus." Colossians 2:1
shows Paul had not in person visited Colosse, though he must
have passed near it in going through Phrygia on his second
missionary tour (Acts 16:6).
The character which Paul gives Philemon for "love
and faith toward the Lord Jesus and all saints," so that
"the bowels of the saints were refreshed by him," and Paul
had "confidence in his obedience that he would do even more
than Paul said" is not mere politic flattery to induce him
to receive his slave Cnesimus kindly, but is the sincere
tribute of the apostle's esteem. Such Christian masters,
treating their slaves as "above servants" (Philemon 1:16),
"brothers beloved both in the flesh and in the Lord,"
mitigated the evil of slavery and paved the way for its
abolition. In the absence of a regular church building,
Philemon opened his house for Christian worship and
communion (Philemon 1:2; compare Romans 16:5). He "feared
God with all his house," like Abraham (Genesis 18:19),
Joshua (Joshua 24:15), and Cornelius (Acts 10:2,). The
attractive power of such a religion proved its divine
origination, and speedily, in spite of persecutions, won the
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