Phaethon in Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Phaetōn or Phaethōn (pronounced /
ˈfeɪ.ətən/ or /ˈfeɪ.əθən/; Greek: Φαέθων "shining") was the
son of Helios (Phoebus). Perhaps the most famous version of
the myth is given us through Ovid in his Metamorphoses (Book
II). Phaeton seeks assurance that his mother, Clymenē, is
telling the truth that his father is the sun god Helios. When
Phaeton obtains his father's promise to drive the sun chariot
as proof, he fails to control it and the Earth is in danger of
burning up when Phaeton is killed by a thunderbolt from Zeus
to prevent further disaster...
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