Peter in Naves Topical Bible
-Also called SIMON BAR-JONA and CEPHAS
Mt 16:16-19; Mr 3:16; Joh 1:42
-A fisherman
Mt 4:18; Lu 5:1-7; Joh 21:3
-Call of
Mt 4:18-20; Mr 1:16-18; Lu 5:1-11
-His mother-in-law healed
Mt 8:14; Mr 1:29,30; Lu 4:38
-An apostle
Mt 10:2; 16:18,19; Mr 3:16; Lu 6:14; Ac 1:13
-An evangelist
Mr 1:36,37
-Confesses Jesus to be the Messiah
Mt 16:16-19; Mr 8:29; Lu 9:20; Joh 6:68,69
-His presumption
In rebuking Jesus
Mt 16:22,23; Mr 8:32,33
When the throng was pressing Jesus and the woman with
blood disorder touched him
Lu 8:45
In refusing to let Jesus wash Peter's feet
Joh 13:6-11
At the healing of Jairus' daughter
Mr 5:37; Lu 8:51
At the transfiguration
Mt 17:1-4; Mr 9:2-6; Lu 9:28-33; 2Pe 1:16-18
In the garden of Gethsemane
Mt 26:36-46; Mr 14:33-42; Lu 22:40-46
-Seeks the interpretation
-Of the parable of the steward
Lu 12:41...
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