Otho in Wikipedia

Marcus Salvius Otho (28 April 32[1] – 16 April 69), also called Marcus Salvius Otho Caesar Augustus,[2] was Roman Emperor for three months, from 15 January to 16 April 69. He was the second emperor of the Year of the four emperors. Birth and lineage Otho belonged to an ancient and noble Etruscan family, descended from the princes of Etruria and settled at Ferentinum (modern Ferento, near Viterbo) in Etruria. His paternal grandfather, Marcus Salvius Otho, whose father was a Roman knight but whose mother was of lowly origin and perhaps not even free-born, was raised in Livia's household and rose to senatorial rank through her influence, although he did not advance beyond the rank of praetor. His father was Lucius Otho...

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