Olive in Naves Topical Bible
(A fruit tree)
-Branch of, brought by the dove to Noah's ark
Ge 8:11
-Common to the land of Canaan
Ex 23:11; De 6:11; 8:8
-Israelites commanded to cultivate in the land of promise
De 28:40
-Branches of, used for booths (huts)
Ne 8:15
-Bears flowers
Job 15:33
-Precepts concerning gleaning the fruit of
De 24:20; Isa 17:6
-The cherubs made of the wood of
1Ki 6:23,31-33
-Fable of
Jud 9:8
Of prosperity
Ps 128:3
The wild, a figure of the Gentiles; the cultivated, of
Ro 11:17-21,24
Zec 4:2-12; Re 11:4
Oil extracted from, used as illuminating oil in the
Ex 39:37; Le 24:2; Zec 4:12
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