Nun in Wikipedia
Nun (pronounced /ˈnʊn/), in the Hebrew Bible, was a man from
the Tribe of Ephraim, grandson of Ammihud, son of Elishama,
and father of Joshua. (1 Chronicles 7:26-27 ) He grew up in
and may have lived his entire life in the Israelites' Egyptian
captivity, where the Egyptians "made life bitter for them with
harsh labor at mortar and bricks and with all sorts of tasks
in the field." (Exodus 1:14 ) In Aramaic, "nun" means "fish".
Thus the Midrash tells: "[T]he son of him whose name was as
the name of a fish would lead them [the Israelites] into the
land." (Genesis Rabba 97:3.)
Mark of Nun's grave, Timnat Serah
Tradition places Nun's tomb near that of his son Joshua who,
according to Joshua 24:30 , is buried in Timnat Serah. The
similarly named Palestinian village of Kifl Hares/Timnat
Hares, located northwest of Ariel in the Samarian region of
the West Bank, now encircles both tombs.
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