Noah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
no'-a (noach, "rest"; Septuagint Noe; Josephus, Nochos): The
10th in descent from Adam in the line of Seth (Gen 5:28,29).
Lamech here seems to derive the word from the nacham, "to
comfort," but this is probably a mere play upon the name by
Noah's father. The times in which Noah was born were
degenerate, and this finds pathetic expression in Lamech's
saying at the birth of Noah, "This same shall comfort us in
our work and in the toil of our hands, which cometh because
of the ground which Yahweh hath cursed." Concerning theory
that Noah is the name of a dynasty, like Pharaoh or Caesar,
rather than of a single individual, see ANTEDILUVIANS. In
his 600th year the degenerate races of mankind were cut off
by the Deluge. But 120 years previously (Gen 6:3) he had
been warned of the catastrophe, and according to 1 Pet 3:20
had been preparing for the event by building the ark (see
ARK; DELUGE OF NOAH). In the cuneiform inscriptions Noah
corresponds to "Hasisadra" (Xisuthrus). After the flood Noah
celebrated his deliverance by building an altar and offering
sacrifices to Yahweh (Gen 8:20), and was sent forth with
God's blessing to be "fruitful, and multiply, and replenish
the earth" (Gen 9:1), as Adam had been sent forth at the
beginning (Gen 1:28). In token of the certainty of God's
covenant not to destroy the race again by flood, a rainbow
spanned the sky whose reappearance was ever after to be a
token of peace. But Noah was not above temptation. In the
prosperity which followed, he became drunken from the fruit
of the vineyard he had planted. His son Ham irreverently
exposed the nakedness of his father, while Shem and Japheth
covered it from view (Gen 9:22,23). The curse upon Canaan
the son of Ham was literally fulfilled in subsequent history
when Israel took possession of Israel, when Tyre fell before
the arms of Alexander, and Carthage surrendered to Rome.
George Frederick Wright
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