Nehesy in Wikipedia
Nehesy(Nehesi) was a ruler traditionally placed in the 14th Dynasty of Egypt of the Second
Intermediate Period.
In the Turin Kinglist (8:1), he is mentioned under Merdjefare. His name is also known from
scarabs. Arguably, he is the best-known ruler of the 14th Dynasty. At Tell Habwe, there is a
pair of stele. At the Temple of Seth in Raahu, he errected an obelisk with an inscription
"king's eldest son".
Also an usurped seated statue by Merenptah is believed to belong to Nehesy, inscribed with
"Seth, the Lord of Avaris". This should be compared with the 400-year-stele of Ramesses II
commemorating the Jubileum of the Cult of Seth during the reign of Haremheb.
According to Manfred Bietak, the father of Nehesy may have been a military or administrative
high official, who from the City of Avaris controlled the Northeastern part of the Nile Delta.
The Prenomen was Aashere meaning "the Hall of Council of Re is Great".
The Nomen was Nehesy (Nhsj) has been interpreted as "the Black One, the Nubian, the Kushite"
suggesting he ethnically was a "Black Pharaoh".
- The Oxford history of ancient Egypt By Ian Shaw p. 177
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