Mount Ebal in Wikipedia
(Arabic: جبل عيبال Jabal Islamiyeh, Hebrew: הר עיבל)is one of
the two mountains in the immediate vicinity of the Palestinian
city of Nablus in the West Bank (biblical Shechem), and forms
the northern side of the valley in which Nablus is situated,
the southern side being formed by Mount Gerizim[1]. The
mountain is one of the highest peaks in the West Bank, as well
as being higher than most mountain peaks in Israel, and rises
to 3084 feet (940 meters) above sea level, some 194 feet (59
meters) higher than Mount Gerizim[2]. Mount Ebal is
approximately 6.5 square miles (18 square kilometers) in
area[3], and is composed primarily of limestone[4]. The slopes
of the mountain contain several large caverns which were
probably originally quarries[5], and at the base towards the
north are several tombs...
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