Moses in Naves Topical Bible

-A Levite and son of Amram Ex 2:1-4; 6:20; Ac 7:20; Heb 11:23 -Hidden in a small basket Ex 2:3 -Discovered and adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Ex 2:5-10 -Learned in all the wisdom of Egypt Ac 7:22 -His loyalty to his race Heb 11:24-26 -Takes the life of an Egyptian taskmaster; flees from Egypt; finds refuge among the Midianites Ex 2:11-22; Ac 7:24-29 -Joins himself to Jethro, priest of Midian; marries his daughter Zipporah; has one son, Gershom Ex 2:15-22 -Is a herdsman for Jethro in the desert of Horeb Ex 3:1 -Has the vision of the burning bush Ex 3:2-6 -God reveals to him his purpose to deliver the Israelites and bring them into the land of Canaan Ex 3:7-10 -Commissioned as leader of the Israelites Ex 3:10-22; 6:13 -His rod miraculously turned into a serpent, and his hand was made leprous, and then restored Ex 4:1-9,28...

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