Moreh in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
1. "The plains," rather "the oaks" or "terebinths" of Moreh.
Abram's first halting place in Canaan, near Shechem and Ebal
and Gerizim mountains (Genesis 12:6); here he erected his
first altar. "Morthia," on ancient coins, a title of Shechem,
preserves the name Moreh. Under the same "oak" Jacob hid his
household's idols (Genesis 35:4). Here Joshua set up a great
stone by the sanctuary of Jehovah (Joshua 24:26, compare
Deuteronomy 11:30).
2. THE HILL OF MOREH. At its foot Midian and Amalek
encamped before Gideon's attack (Judges 6:33; Judges 7:1). On
the northern side of the valley of Jezreel, and of the height
where Gideon's 300 were; jebel ed Duhy, "little Hermon,"
answers to Moreh. Two or three miles intervene (enough for
Midian's and Amalek's hosts) between Moreh and ain Jalood, the
spring of "Harod" at the foot of Gideon's hill, jebel Fukua
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